

7 years, 9 months ago


Name: KC

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

Species: NeoBorolak -- Human

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Associated with: Karl


Personality: KC often comes off as blunt and is very sarcastic by nature. The majority of the time he comes across as quirky but confident, though occasionally he can come across as rude, if not even blatantly mean. He occasionally has a recognizable arrogance about himself, though truth be told, the arrogance is more of a mask to hide insecurities. 

KC will not tolerate being walked on and quickly becomes confrontational when challenged. He is headstrong and passive-aggressive, and these traits often come to the forefront when he is engaged in a serious argument. The catch: he will only engage in a serious argument when he knows for sure that he is right. He is a massive control freak, and he hates being wrong. However, on the rare occasion that he is wrong and knows it, he will admit his error and end the argument.

Despite his negative qualities, KC cares a lot for the select few people he allows himself to bond with, and will often go out of his way to make sure that they are okay. He has trouble expressing his feelings, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel them, perhaps even acutely so. When he's in a good mood, he can be a very enjoyable individual, so long as the people he's interacting with can pick up on his witty sense of humor and sarcasm.

KC is not usually very sociable; he would rather engage himself by reading a book or some kind of scientific journal. He spends a lot of time reading about medical studies and scientific journals centered around biology fields. Though his topics of interest primarily fall under medical and biological science fields, he admittedly has a soft spot for geology as well.

He is ruled by logic.


Strengths: KC is quick to share his knowledge when given the opportunity. He often saves files to studies he finds interesting so he can reference them later. He tends to be assertive rather than aggressive when engaging in conversations, and also remains calm and performs well when placed under extreme stress.

Weaknesses: KC is prone to debilitating spells of depression. He tends to react in one of two ways: He reacts with anger and irritability, and though it is rare that he will snap externally, he often give off a "bad vibe" when he is present - OR - He slowly pulls away from everything and everyone until he disappears, sometimes for extended periods of time. 


Hobbies and Likes: coffee, cicadas, rainy days, reading, math jokes, science, food, syringes and needles, staying in bed until noon

Dislikes: loss of control, disorder/confusion, overstimulation, being controlled, being wrong, being told what to do, being treated poorly, seeing other people being treated poorly, morning people, mornings in general, stupidity, ignorance, people yelling for no reason, slow drivers, people who don't use turn signals, being yelled at