rose quartz



4 years, 9 months ago


name: rose quartz

nickname(s): pale rose, pale rose quartz

pronouns: she/her

gem type: quartz

size + body type: small overcooked quartz

gem location: left shoulder

alignment: white diamond

job:  healer

weapon: n/a

powers: healing tears

personality: soft, gentle, paranoid, weak

quote: “i don't want to end up like that..! so.. please..!”

significant other(s): opalite

allies:  opalite, smoky quartz

squad:  n/a

enemies: iolite

history:  an overcooked rose quartz made in an old kindergarten on earth. she was finally dug out of her spot only to be abandoned in the war. she was lost and frightened for a while, before being captured by fuchsia sapphire to be held as a test subject, as fuchsia was intrigued by how small she was for a quartz.

pale rose always tries to sneak visits with her love, opalite, a permafusion who lives beneath a lake a little while away from the crashed ship that iolite’s gang resides in. she first met opalite when the permafusion followed royal lazuli to the ship on one of her visits to see smoky quartz, since lazuli lives just a bit further out than the lake. pale rose first saw opalite through a window she was sitting by in the ship, and something sparked when they first locked eyes.

the flower she wears in her hair is the first gift opalite ever gave her.