Kai 🏐🔥🌊



4 years, 9 months ago


name  Kai
age  28
species  moth dragon
gender  male, he/him
occupation  ex professional volleyball player, current seashell shop owner
aesthetic board  X
original designer  ferwildir
B a s i c s

P r o f i l e

Kai is a very laid back and relaxed moth dragon living on the island of ! He's very charming and rather handsome, with the politeness and mannerisms of a true gentleman. He has a rather soothing voice as well, and is a pleasure to have an insightful conversation with. He's quite the textbook ambivert, eager and willing to go to social events like beer gardens, beach bonfires, and sport outings, but also thoroughly enjoys taking time to himself to relax and recharge.

Kai moved to to be placed on the island's professional beach volleyball team, something he had trained and worked very hard for most of his early career to achieve. He was extremely advanced and well-liked within the sport, and one of the top players in his league, even if he was a bit hotheaded and showy at times. Evidently though, he often pushed himself far too much and didn't give his body enough time to heal and recover from each match, and while for a time it was fine, eventually the consiquences struck. He sustained a debilitating shoulder injury during one of his matches, and had to be taken away from the court and to a local hospital for treatment. He had aggressively torn apart his rotator cuff in his right shoulder, which took a couple surgeries and a year of physical therapy to become functional again. The injury was far too severe for him to be back in the game anytime soon, and even if he did return, he would never be able to play at the level he did again, and was eventually forced to retire far too early into what was building up to be a highly successful athletic career. It hit him physically and mentally pretty hard for a while, and took a lot of introspection and soul searching, as well as support from his physical therapist andfriends to get through it. Despite this setback, he's kept a decently healthy build and still enjoys being active, as it's still a good outlet for his mind and body to grow and improve, and sometimes will play the occasional game of volleyball with beachgoers, but he can't go nearly as hard or for as long as he used to. He's learned a bit more in the whole self care department and knowing his limits ever since his injury.

No longer a proffesional athelete, Kai had to find some other form of work on the island. He took a job as a cook at a pizza place for a little while until he could figure some things out, and eventually he quit and instead opened up a small sea shell shop in town near the boardwalk, where he makes and sells beaded seashell necklaces, bracelets, and other custom jewelry! He's quite content with it for the time being and is perfectly happy with how things are turning out for him, despite the setbacks he faced in the past!

T r i v i a










  • sunsets
  • cool breezy evenings, light storms
  • cinnamon whiskey
  • pot
  • beach volleyball
  • staying active
  • hot and spicy seafood dishes


  • poor sportsmanship
  • swimming
  • people trying to touch his wings
  • damp weather, getting rained on
  • not being able to fly as well
  • super sweet foods/drinks
  • obtrusively loud music


Since having to essentially retire early from his volleyball career duee to his injury, Kai was stuck trying to find something else to fulfill him in life. He tried plenty of other available sports, and while the exercise was great for his mind and body, they never gave him the same gratification that volleyball did. While he was fine with working at the pizza place for a while, in fact discovering a long time hidden appreciation for cooking, he still never felt truly satasfied. Nothing seemed to stick for him, and he felt very discouraged and beat down for a while. Eventually though, he stumbled across a pop-up jewelry making class along the beach and gave it a shot, and discovered that he actually quite liked it a lot! He loved working with his hands, and making a piece of art gave him the ability to flex his creative muscles, relax his mind and gave him a very similar sense of pride and satasfaction with each piece he finished. He kept up the hobby for a while, practicing and selling pieces he thought were best locally for a while, before eventually saaving up enough to quit his job at the pizza place and open up a shop for himself, where he still works to this day! it's become quite the little hidden treasure of the town, not very well known but adored by those who do. He grately appreciates every customer and custom commission he gets and enjoys getting to sit down and have a friendly chat with any out-of-towners that happen to stroll by!

L i n k s

good friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere.
M i s c







Fun Facts:

  • Kai's shoulder injury effacted not only his athletic ability, but his flying as well. He can no longer achieve sustained flight without lingering pain, and usually now prefers to glide or fly for very short bursts of time.
  • He smokes pot recreationally and is pretty into the culture and lifestyle, and sorta leaned into the stoner look by growing his hair out.
  • He also enjoys a nice glass of whiskey every now and again, especially cinnamon whiskey! he just loves cinnamon flavored treats in general, really, it's his favorite flavor!
  • Kai loves fresh fruit, especially mangoes, peaches, and oranges! He likes going to open air markets and seeing the abundant fruit for sale, and purchases a bunch every week or so. He's also got quite the soft spot for honey!
  • He has a taste for herbal drinks as well, alcoholic or not, mostly preferring a nice hot cup of fruity or herbal tea from time to time. He has a small garden where he grows his own tea leaves and herbs, but also likes to try new herbal mixes from that said market as well!
  • Since his injury, Kai has turned towards many spiritual practices in order to push through it. He still meditates often, burns incense, and is very into chakras and finding physical and mental peace and balance through these practices.
  • not only did he find he has a passion for jewelry making, but also for cooking as well! He mostly just whips up small dishes for himself, but he still finds himself somewhat proud of them and is always eager to try out new recepies from time to time!

Design Notes

  • Kai's snaggletooth is on his bottom jaw on the RIGHT SIDE ONLY
  • he has sharp, slitted pupils typical of most dragons
  • his ears are almost always half raised, and his eyelids are usually droopy, in a state of almost constant relaxation
  • Kai's wings are soft and fuxzzy just like a moth's! they're a little delicate and sensitive, as are his antennae, so he usually doesn't like people touching them without his permission. He keeps them folded close to his body most of the time.
  • all of his pawpads are square shaped!
  • his hair is long and messy, and is red at the roots, orange and then fades to yellow at the tips