


4 years, 9 months ago



Conscience-stricken ✦ Overprotective ✦ Pensive

Full Name
Alec Kuznetsov
Early 20s
Body Type
Retail worker (and hates it)

"No... I won't let you! You don't get to hurt my family anymore!"

Alec, like his older sister Ibrid, grew up surrounded by wealth. However, due to being the second child, his parents were much less strict to him than they were to Ibrid. Indeed, they gave him almost free reign.

Alec got whatever he wanted. Toys, food, video games... whatever. He happened to become the most popular kid in his year thanks to his wealth and his surprising intelligence that so many other rich kids lacked.

All this stuff really got to his head. He became vain and narcissistic, often snapping at people when he wasn't given what he wanted or expected. Alec was the reason Ibrid has that scar on her cheek now - basically, over the years, he began to put in less and less effort into school, leading to his grades falling. Following an argument between him and his sister about this that eventually led to him insulting and mocking her, he purposefully didn't warn her about some kids that took advantage of her naivety. These kids were hoping to trick her into disturbing a wild animal den and capture it on tape, and Ibrid would've likely been mauled to pieces if she weren't testing out a primitive version of 01 at the time. She escaped with just a scar.

Alec is constantly wracked with guilt from his earlier years. He always feels like his sister deserves better than him, and that he's a worthless human being, especially when compared to the Gifted, some of whom possess powers that verge on incomprehensible. He eventually goes on to upgrade his arms and his eyes, hoping to at least be able to stand out a little bit in terms of ability. The arms possess self-repair mechanisms and are strong enough to punch through a 500mm thick brick wall, although a force of this magnitude renders the punching arm temporarily unusable afterwards. The eyes are like two sets of cameras, able to zoom into objects, track at heightened speeds and switch between optical and thermal imaging. He hopes that with these new tools, he'll be able to protect Ibrid if she's ever in danger again.

Alec eventually gets to know Elovia fairly well due to her connection with Ibrid, and accompanies her on quite a few adventures, including saving her from a bloodthirsty killer that can place objects inside people's organs, exploring the crashed Shade ship and visiting a supposed prophet.

Ibrid Alec loves his sister to death, and hates how he treated her in the past. He often finds himself thinking that she deserves better than him.

Elovia Alec respects Elovia's Gift and admires how she uses it to save people. He ends up returning the favour quite a few times.

  • Protecting friends and family
  • Encouragement
  • Being able to help out
  • Just... being ackowledged in general
  • Being alone
  • Himself (whenever he fails a task that others can do easily)
  • Being threatened (especially when people threaten to harm his sister)
  • Gifted that constantly brag about their power
  • His job (even in the world of Avari, there are stressful jobs in retail...)
  • Being alone

profile html by Hukiolukio