Blaise (NFT)



7 years, 10 months ago





57 yrs old (Looks like a 30 yr old)


Species: Skulleids
Role: Father of 4 children (eldest to youngest) Dalibor "Dal", Thana , Seth , Elva and Grandpa of 1 > Cadence "Dence"
DOB: May 7th
Occupation: Owns a Skate Shop
Sign: Taurus ♉
Relationship Status: Married to Lucia
Friends: Gero


  • Singing and Playing Guitar
  • Messing around and Making jokes
  • Loves his huge family
  • Total Rocker Lover


  • Rudeness
  • Songs that don't have true meaning behind it.
  • Pranks on him
  • Insects



Write about your character here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla commodo sodales lectus, a sollicitudin ante venenatis non. Donec nec commodo urna, id condimentum nisi. Aliquam iaculis nulla ut maximus semper. Pellentesque aliquet viverra libero vitae sagittis. Mauris enim lorem, dapibus vitae tellus ac, porta finibus nulla. Aenean dignissim mi at elementum vestibulum. Maecenas mollis est massa, eu sagittis erat fringilla non. Curabitur finibus diam at mauris viverra, nec sollicitudin urna dignissim. Aliquam aliquet magna a velit consequat gravida. Morbi odio elit, pellentesque quis magna maximus, vehicula auctor nibh. Nullam vitae ante tellus. Vivamus tellus sapien, facilisis gravida pulvinar ac, dapibus eu nibh. Ut laoreet cursus magna a interdum. Aenean gravida, justo non ullamcorper eleifend, odio eros fringilla neque, ut maximus diam lectus at lectus. Duis nec nulla purus.

 Love Story

Back in his high school years, Blaise was a total rock band star! Haha, okay, more like a garage band star of only to himself as an audience. Even then, that didn't stop him to continue on with music. Well, on his first day of his senior year, he was in class ready to not pay attention to anything until something caught his eye! A really pretty skulleid sat in the seat in front of him. Oh how it was love at first sight! He finds out that her name is Lucia.

He knew that she was meant for him! Somehow, some way that he was going to her boyfriend and rock her world! Blaise, didn't have the best time trying to get her attention. I think at some point, she would roll her eyes at him and ignore him. Then he was almost ready to give up, then an idea hit him while he was watching tv. He realized that the super model, looks a lot like Lucia so maybe if he can somehow compliment Lucia of her looks being that she looks like a super model!!! The next day, He meets her while she was getting her things from her locker but Blaise stops her then says, "So you're an under cover model, huh?"

Whatever happen in that moment, she was totally talking to him and he didn't pay attention to what she was saying. All he could think of is how amazingly beautiful she looks like. So he lowered himself to kiss her as she was still talking then said, "Then it's a date! I shall see you after school, Lucia."
