Vesilla Lular's Comments

Step on me

That'll be easy enough. Square up punk. 

  ... uh.... I mean...   

  you're gonna get your ass kicked

  Relax, love. I prefer to only ever hear it from you. I'd prefer you keep the ones you already use. Maybe I should ask him why... I've always wondered. Some things are just meant for us.

Did you... not hit the reply button? Let me know if you have any questions on utilizing the comments system love, I'm more than happy to help   He's an idiot, I'm sure whatever the reason it it's not worth the time we'd have to spend in his company to learn it. I suppose I do enjoy the idea of them staying between us. You have nicknames for me? I suppose I've just never given it much thought before.

  Look you may be able to just get everything right away but we've known that technology is not my strong suit. I do... though I suppose mine are different than yours.   

Vesi, why did Sanguine's nickname for you make your profile and not mine...? 

Yours isn't really a nickname since only you're allowed to call me that. Unless... you want other people to start using that?

How dare you even-?! *exaggerated groan* Don't be absurd. You are my light, I don't believe there's enough left over for anyone else. I suppose in that case maybe I should start calling you "little blue"   ... I can't even entertain that idea, you're clearly purple. I can't imagine why anyone would ever call you that unless they were genuinely color blind.