Niran Kurosawa



4 years, 9 months ago


►Personal Outline:  ◄

◊ Name: Niran Kurosawa (黒沢 ニラン)

◊ Nickname(s): Ni-ni (by Fuyumi), Ranran (by Koemi), Kuronan (by Mitsuo), Niran-kun (by Honoka, Hoshiko), Niran-san (by Satoru), Tiger/Tiger Cub (by Malee)

◊ Name meaning: Niran means "forever" in Thai, Kurosawa means "black swamp" in Japanese

◊ Gender: Male

◊ Sexuality: Heterosexual

◊ D.O.B: September 28

◊ Age: 16

◊ Ethnicity: Thai/Japanese

◊ Nationality: Thai

◊ Country of origin: Japanese

◊ Height/weight: 165cm/59kg

◊ Blood type: B

◊ Appearance and style: 

Niran is a thin young man, with long straight black hair tied in a low ponytail that comes to the middle of his back (it's typically placed over his left shoulder; he has his fringe in curtains-style), tanned skin, and gold eyes with short eyelashes. He has a silver cuff and a small silver hoop in his left ear. He also has a small scar just below his left eye. (Later in the year, he has his hair typically pulled back into a high ponytail). 

In uniform, opts for the black shirt+grey knit vest combo for both summer and winter, only adding black trainers in place of loafers in spring/summer and dark brown knee-high lace-up boots in autumn/winter. Typically keeps his uniform rather plain, slowly adding decorations as his confidence to be himself increases.

Out of uniform opts for "street casual" style, typically opting for loose clothing in dark colours. In spring/summer he typically opts for a dark plaid short-sleeved shirt, typically wearing the top button undone; black loose jeans, and dark brown ankle-high lace-up boots. In autumn/winter, his main outfit is a plain long-sleeved dark blue top under a plain black leather jacket, and dark grey jeans tucked into dark brown knee-high lace-up boots. He also adds a silver fang pendant on a black cord necklace

(He also has a summer outfit that consists of a plain short-sleeved white t-shirt under a dark blue sleeveless denim jacket (usually left unbuttoned), a pair of dark-grey plaid 3/4-length trousers, and a pair of black sneakers with white highlights and laces. He also adds a black cord choker with a plain silver circular disk as a pendant.)

►School Info: ◄     

◊ Year: Freshman

◊ Class: 1C

◊ Clubs: Literature, (eventually) Fencing

◊ Additional position: None

◊ Best subjects: History, English

◊ Behaviour in class: Very attentive, respectful and helpful towards his peers and teachers, doesn't answer many questions in class (if any, given his aversion to drawing attention to himself) but is always happy to help with homework

◊ Roommate: Otohiko Miura

◊ Clique: Initially mostly just Kaede K. and Fuyumi, but he does join the Fashion Club peeps (mostly Honoka), and his clubmates

►Miscellaneous: ◄

◊ Backstory: 

Born and raised in Kyoto, Japan, to an impoverished single mother, Niran essentially grew up being the playmate for wealthier Kaede, who had lost her mom shortly before she turned two years old (since Malee was close to Kaede's mom, essentially being Kaede's mom's assistant). While he tried to teach what his mom told him to Kaede, his lessons went unheeded, as Kaede only told him that "such traits would only mean she'd eventually get stepped on by the world". While he worried about how this would affect Kaede as she grew up, he could only try and clean up her messes, hoping she'd learn herself.

Time passed, with Niran getting nudged into helping Kaede more and more, being told to put her first and himself second. This was reinforced by some gentle "encouragement" by Soichiro Kaneko, and the already quiet boy folded into himself more, wanting to be helpful to both Kaede and the people around him. 

By the time he was ready to think about high school, he knew he wanted to follow Kaede and support her, so applying to BIH was his first thought. 

◊ BIH story so far: -to be added-

◊ Personality: Initially shy, gentle and very helpful, but very submissive and doormat-y. Later on, more confident and assertive.

Niran starts out as a very shy person, not wanting to draw attention to himself. People who do get to talk to him will find the beginnings of a gentle and kind soul, who wants to please people and make them happy. When asked to do something, he will do it, eager to please those around him. He's very observant, always happy to point out something that will make life easier for the other person. He smiles easily, adding to his gentle demeanour.

He's also very calm in most situations, not panicking at the first hint of not knowing what to do. He's good at calming others down, helping them work through their situation.

On the other hand, his childhood has meant that he is very submissive to the people around him, especially "childhood friend" Kaede. Niran has trouble with the concept of "being a person", seeing himself as a "shadow" that helps make life easier for other people. He doesn't put his desires or needs first at all, and so when getting attached to a new person, he just simply follows their desires and tries to keep them happy. He tends to keep himself small, especially in comparison to Kaede.

In time (with help from therapy), Niran starts getting more confident and happier to state his own desires, as well as actively say "no" to requests that, while they would make the other happy, would likely harm him.

◊ Likes: The colour blue (especially darker shades), exploring, butterflies, traditions, spicy food, his mother's cooking, tea

◊ Dislikes: The spotlight being on him, not having someone to pay attention to, people fighting, change, bright colours, being assertive, sweet food, sweet coffees

◊ Hobbies: (Initially) Yoga (something he is roped into by Kaede), Keeping a journal (both visual and written), playing chess and other strategy games (he likes to rope Kaede into being his partner, just to keep her on her toes), (later on) tarot reading (once introduced by Yuriko), photography

◊ Trivia:

- "If it is Miss Kaede's will, then I shall follow her", is something he says when asked about his opinion on her (in reality he wishes he could leave her alone, but something inside him says he can't)

- When asked upon his relationship with Kaede, he simply states "I am the shadow that makes Miss Kaede shine. If those are our roles, then I shall do my part".

- Niran loves to explore, and while at the beginning of the year hadn't explored very far of BIH and the surrounding area, would be sure to do so, to find quiet places where he and Kaede could be alone if they wanted to (this later changes to "if he and Aria wanted to be alone" //shot)

- He's never actually been to Thailand but would love to go someday.

- He can speak English and Japanese fluently and has some knowledge of Thai.

- Niran did start learning to play the piano, but he doesn't seem to have kept this up

- He was named after his maternal grandfather (or rather, in typical Thai fashion, he was named after his grandfather's nickname) 

►Relationships: ◄

◊ Parents: Malee Kurosawa (mother), "unknown father"

◊ Siblings: None

◊ Other Family members: Somchai and Kanda Srisuk (maternal grandparents)

◊ Friends: Kaede K., Yuriko, Haruto, Shun, Teodora, Ren, Leinani, Viola, Honoka, Aria, Kana

◊ Disliked people: (if any) 

◊ Love Interest: Aria Lu

◊ Pairing Dynamics: N/A

◊ Expanded relationship descriptions: -to be filled in-