Aria Lu



4 years, 15 days ago


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Aria Lu

she/her • 18

"E-eh? Um..he-hello..."

  • BIRTHDAY 10/31
  • ETHNICITY Chinese
  • HEIGHT 154 cm
  • WEIGHT 51 kg
  • SEXUALITY Asexual
  • VOICE Inokuchi Yuka


  • Nature
  • Red Spider Lilies
  • Dark Places
  • Crows
  • Listening to music
  • The smell of books
  • Spicy Food
  • Custard Pudding


  • Being the main attention of people
  • Romance novels (she can't particularly connect to them but is fine with it as a sub-genre)
  • Rainy days
  • Techno music
  • Bitter and sour food
  • Shellfish


Name in kanji: 吕 アリア

Nickname(s): Ari, Riri, Ami (by Malee), Luna (by people who she knew in America)

Name meaning: Aria - Originally an air; a song; a tune; sung by a single voice with or without accompaniment.
Lu - From Chinese 吕 (lǚ) meaning "musical note" and also referring to the former state of Lu, which was situated in what is now Henan province.

School Info:
Year: Senior
Class: 3-B
Clubs: Music, Literature
Additional position: Tea Syndicate Member (2nd year onwards)
Best subjects: Music, English
Behavior in class: Aria is mainly quiet and finds trouble answering questions. Her voice doesn’t carry well through the room so she sits in front just so the teacher could hear her. She can’t bring herself to talk to her other classmates (thinking that she would bother them) and spends free time during class just studying. Because of this, she is a frantic note taker and often rewrites them in other notebooks. She often has around 3 notebooks just for one subject.
Roommate: Nadia Vasilieva
Clique: Aria can’t bring herself to talk to others so she would go to some dark corner and sit there, either reading books or singing softly to herself. She will try to approach her friends whenever she can and spend time with their respective cliques, though this mainly happens near the end of her senior year.


Aria is shy and quiet, not wanting to bother people. She has a slight fear of bothering others and tends to avoid people if she can. Many people have described her as "gloomy" which she takes as a trait of hers. She is oblivious to her surroundings at times and never notices the wall she puts between others and herself. She often blames herself for misfortunes that happen around her, thinking of herself as bad luck. When she gets close to people, she is quite clingy, standing really close to them or maybe holding their hands unconsciously.

Nearing graduation, she begins to be more open to others and look at others in the eyes with her own (well, one of them, the other is still covered by her hair). She is also less negative of herself, smiling more and stopped describing herself as "gloomy."


  • General Appearance - Aria has long black hair that reaches her knees. It is usually tied into a braid. Her bangs cover her grey eyes where they aren’t visible, though it doesn’t impair her vision in the least. She is extremely pale due to the fact that she is usually in the shade or dark places. She wears silver earrings with musical note charms and a silver bracelet on her left wrist with the same charms attached to it.
  • Uniform - She wears the black version of the uniform regardless of the season, just switching between the winter and summer versions. She wears a red shawl alongside it, black tights, and black Mary Janes with red bows on them.
  • Casual - She wears a Gothic Lolita style during the colder months and opts to a Qi Lolita style during the warmer months. She refuses to wear pants, not liking the restricting feeling of them. She often wears the colors red and black, though during the warmer months she is most likely to wear blues and yellows.


  • HOBBY: Reading books (mainly horror and fantasy)

  • HOBBY: Collecting special edition novels

  • HOBBY: Singing

  • HOBBY: Playing piano and the harp


  • HABIT: Appearing without making a sound

  • HABIT: Running away when someone enters the music room when she's there by herself

  • HABIT: Distancing herself from people


  • FATHER: Guanyu Lu

  • MOTHER: Fen Xun

  • BROTHER: Huang Lu

  • UNCLE: Xue Lu

  • FOSTER FATHER: Markus Reed



  • BOYFRIEND: Niran Kurosawa

  • FRIEND: Hana Morishita

  • FRIEND: Kana Morishita

  • FRIEND: Kyosuke Wilson

  • FRIEND: Koemi Wilson

  • FRIEND: Shun Wei

  • FRIEND: Takara Kuromine

  • FRIEND: Megumi Hiyomura

  • FRIEND: Katou Hiyomura

  • FRIEND: Nadia Vasilieva

  • FRIEND: Damian Vidales


  • >:/: None, for now :3


  • She talks to a counselor every week to help sort of her feelings.

  • The only time she sings loudly is if she thinks she’s alone or when she in front of her friends.

  • When she pushes back her bangs, she looks like a different person. She looks delicate and soft, a huge image shift from her usually gloomy look.

  • She wants to have a pet crow but knows that she would be terrible at taking care of an animal and is content with just watching the crows out in the wild.

  • She has a hairpin with a red spider lily motif that was a gift from Markus. She isn't aware that this gift was actually something from a sponsor of hers and Markus was just passing it on to her. This sponsor turns out to be her blood related uncle.

  • She pauses a lot while speaking due to her quiet and shy nature.

  • She plays the piano and harp in the music room when it's empty. She finds Hana there once, but lets the other sleep while she plays some soft songs in attempt to not wake her.



Backstory So Far: BIH After Graduation


Being in an orphanage for most of her childhood, Aria found the day she got adopted by Markus to be the light of her life. She was around ten at the time when she was taken back home with Markus and she had trouble adjusting to the new environment. At the orphanage, she was often alone and the other children never really interacted with her, causing her to have a closed off personality and a fear of approaching people (which she thinks she will bother them with her presence). Markus tried his best to get her out of her shell, occasionally talking to her and taking her out, only when she appeared to want to. Otherwise, he let her go along her own way and she slowly grew attached to him. He home schooled her until she was 13 where she was sent to a middle school.

She didn’t adjust well to school, just avoiding the other students. However, she got to speaking a bit more which was an improvement. She got a little closer to her fellow classmates though she still kept a wall between her and them. She never noticed this wall and thought that no matter how close she tries to be with other people, she would never get further. Her classmates eventually noticed the wall she put between them and gradually avoid her, little by little. She began to stop going to school and Markus had no choice but to have a talk with her, eventually suggesting that she go talk with a counselor. Aria complies and slowly began to tear down that wall she had with people, but it was difficult. It was around this time that she tried out several musical competitions since she practiced the piano during her time in the orphanage. She usually tripped up several measures in her performances, making the music be out of place. While she never won one because of her fright of being the center of attention, she gained some attention from several sponsors and one continues to support her, no matter what her results were.

Eventually, she decides to go to a faraway school just so she could be a bit more independent from Markus. She has relied on him for too long and too much with how she is. He tried to stop her but then dropped it after thinking about it for a while. He accepts and sends her to the international high school, hoping that she can grow out of her shell without his influence.

So Far: BIH

Freshman Year -

Junior Year -

Senior Year -

After Graduation

Aenean vitae fermentum leo. Curabitur commodo massa et scelerisque tincidunt. Suspendisse id mollis tortor. Ut tincidunt nibh ut ultrices porttitor. Fusce molestie lacus eu nisi facilisis ullamcorper. Duis ut interdum lacus. Quisque mattis suscipit vestibulum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam pretium finibus lacus vitae varius.

Praesent ultricies justo in velit gravida lacinia. Etiam rhoncus tincidunt dolor quis posuere. Donec faucibus augue eget aliquet tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc rutrum vestibulum faucibus. Nullam id sem in magna scelerisque ullamcorper. Suspendisse condimentum quis elit vestibulum rhoncus. In efficitur, massa eu maximus semper, dolor nibh pretium enim, ut pulvinar enim erat ac augue. Integer suscipit nunc laoreet, luctus arcu id, pulvinar nunc. Aliquam et imperdiet risus. Etiam bibendum vehicula orci. Donec vitae nisi velit.


Markus Xue Niran Nadia Huang



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