


4 years, 9 months ago



Name [ Morrigan (Gil Jr.) ]
Nickname [ Gil, Morri ]
Gender [ Female (afab) ]
Birth Season [ Spring ]
Age [ Adult ]
Orientation [ ??? ]
Species [ Feline ]
Personality Type [ ??? ]
Alignment [ Neutral/Developing ]
Creator [ SubjectMystery ]
Design Notes

  • Mask-like markings on face
  • Tips of ears are white w/ small tufts
  • Chest spots do not need to be exact, however heart-shaped mark must be present
  • Rose tattoo on right shoulder, color depends on age (White, White&Pink, or Pink)
  • Back legs have a minor gradient
  • Very fluffy, like a small cloud

+Resolute+ The amount of willpower and tenacity she holds within herself is admirable; rarely does she give up on something, nor does she ever get an inkling to do such. A job left undone would keep her up at night more than anything else, so she pushes herself to get things done before the day comes to an end, earning the respect of her peers. When she gets older, this determination will also extend to battles and other dangerous or serious situations; no matter the cost and no matter how injured or weak she may be, she’ll continue to rise and throw herself back into the fray.

+Reliable+ Despite her sour attitude, one can trust her to do the things that she says she will do (even if she complains while doing it) to the best of her abilities while also going above and beyond what’s required. Park of the goal of being the best means being willing to take the jobs that no one else wants or that others find too difficult to accomplish. She strives to be trustworthy in her abilities and desires to be the first one asked to complete a task because they know that she will get it done right the first time. She may be rude, but one can’t deny that she keeps her promises.

+Sincere+ While a positive trait overall in that she feels no need to hide who she is, she commonly uses it in a negative light. She feels no need to hide her true feelings over anything, which more often than not lands her in hot water. For example, if she doesn’t like a cat she will definitely make sure that cat knows they are disliked by her and should probably watch themselves lest she decides to pick a fight with them. On the other hand, if a cat asks for her opinion they can trust that they will get a completely honest and unfiltered opinion on whatever the topic at hand is (also even if they don’t ask). She’s unapologetic in giving it to them straight.

=Bold= If she holds any fears or apprehensions, she does a wonderful job of never letting it show. Her bravery allows her to easily stand up and face any challenge or opponent, regardless if the opposition is larger or appears to be more powerful than she, or even if the odds just don’t appear to be in her favor. She’ll gladly step up to someone triple her size if it meant that she’d be protecting her tribe and the ones she loves. But this, as can be predicted, can backfire. She can put herself in unnecessary danger or piss off the wrong cat and get the near life beat out of her, yet continues to pull such stunts because it feels like the right thing to do.

=Proud= With no trace of shame, she wears the satisfaction in her accomplishments outwardly, pleased with the things she has and what she’s been able to do. The best, though, is receiving praise from others about her work (not that she’d ever let them know the value she places on their opinion), carrying the compliment with her throughout the day and moving with an extra pep in her step. She might even smile about it as she drifts off to sleep. It’s not quite like having a friend, but it’s currently as close as she’s comfortable getting.

-Pugnacious- She finds some sort of thrill in fighting with others, both verbally and physically; another aspect of trying to prove herself to no one in particular. The energy and emotion that comes from a fight was unparalleled, so she’ll purposely seek out instances where it’ll happen. Furthermore, she’s also quick to get defensive if others point out certain aspects about herself, especially her height and size (she’s rather small compared to how tall her mother is); it’ll be taken as an invitation to quarrel and swiftly step up to the plate.

-Perfectionist- It’s not enough for her to just get something right, she has to strive to be the best at it, even to the point that it may impact her health. It wouldn’t be surprising for someone to find her awake late at night practicing a move or skill she had performed earlier in the day, even if it had gone well before. It’s like she has something to prove whether it be for herself or others and won’t stop without some serious convincing to not run herself into the ground. The situation turns worse if she’s unable to execute a skill even at what she views as a subpar level. She’ll get frustrated and upset, either crying or lashing out depending on who approaches her at the time. She wants to be the best she can be ability-wise and failure isn’t a part of that plan.

-Impertinent- If there was a competition for back talking, she would strut up to the winner’s circle effortlessly. She’s impulsive, seemingly lacking the awareness to think before she speaks and simply saying what is on her mind regardless of whether it’ll get her in trouble or not. Most of the time the words aren’t very nice, often calling out another cat for doing something she believes was stupid and could’ve been done better and also not being above name calling. In a way, it’s a defense mechanism; keep everyone at tails-length to prevent getting hurt by someone that could’ve been considered a friend. It’s easier to be lonely than to be hurt.

Other Traits || Mischievous, Ambitious, Protective, Petty


  • The idea for her true name (Morrigan) came from the Dragon Age character
  • Her personality is partially inspired by Squirrelflight from Warriors and Ellie from The Last of Us
  • She has nightmares of the destruction of the old world, though instead of her brother being lost to it, she’s the one stuck alone in the flames
  • She loves the feeling of her fur being groomed, but rarely lets anyone other than her family do it
  • She holds on to the belief that Lark is still alive, and hopes to one day see him again
  • The quickest way to piss her off is to insult her family, the second quickest is to poke at her size
  • She developed claustrophobia after being possessed by darkness in the Spirited Away event

For being born when she was within the Water Tribe, much of Gil’s earliest memories were surrounded by a chaos that she was too young to truly comprehend. Before she even received a tattoo from the spirits, she witnessed the world she was born to fall apart before her very eyes. The stench of panic, terror, and death filled the air alongside the acrid tang of smoke, clinging to the lungs and fur of cats as they ran to escape certain doom. The little kit was completely helpless as fires raged and the very earth beneath all of their paws seemingly came apart at its foundations. She had to resign to being carried by wither her mother or some other Water Tribe cat as she was unable to keep pace with those that were fleeing towards and through the Door.

Then, Lark went missing.

Gil didn’t know what to think, but observing the fire around her, she feared never seeing him again. Ignacia was reasonably distraught at the discovery of this news, and left the now trio of siblings with the Water Tribers as she desperately went to search for her lost son. Gil’s reaction was visceral. Her mother was her protector, her safety blanket amidst all of the destruction that had been going on, and now that she wasn’t there it was like the ground was pulled from beneath her and the dangers were closing in faster than ever before. The she-kit, to no surprise, cried frequently in her mother’s absence, inconsolable despite the best efforts of the Water Tribers to comfort and distract her. The only thing that would help is the return of Ignacia.

When Ignacia did indeed return, there was no sign of Lark, leaving the worst to be assumed. Gil was more scared than she had ever been in her short life. First, they had to move to an all new area, and here beyond the door were so many faces of cats she had never seen before; a sea of strangers that seemed to be closing in on her small form.

Even after the panic had begun to calm down for those that made it through the Door, Gil stuck to her mother like a stubborn burr. She was afraid that the rest of her family was going to disappear just like Lark had, and she couldn’t relax until she felt that things were going to be okay. wait for the adults to decide what to do...

To read Morrigan's story as it's developing as well as other tidbits, click here!


  • The night sky
  • Stargazing
  • Picking fights
  • Ignacia
  • Soft textured things
  • Gentle breezes

  • Her size/height
  • Being made fun of
  • Being away from family
  • Darkness
  • Small spaces

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.