


4 years, 8 months ago



Dawn Zhang

"...It's okay if I just... stay over here, right?"


A normal human who found herself overwhelmed by all the changes in the world and how loud it quickly became, Dawn ended up moving to the relatively small settlement of City 1 in an attempt to clear her head. After a while, she began working at Leo's diner and quickly became best friends with him.

However, one night while stargazing, Dawn stumbled upon the dormant form of Radiance, which had been working its way to the surface for many years, and ended up taking it home unaware of the fact that this strange thing she found was actually the target of a group of vicious creatures.

She's also a pretty good cook and plays the electric guitar.


Dawn is quiet, anxious and prefers to stay in the background, though after spending time in Leo's diner she has become a little more confident in herself. She's particularly interested in the supernatural and extraterrestrial, but doesn't like sharing her interests for fear of seeming creepy or "weird". However if you can get her to talk, she'll talk your ear off about all sorts of stuff she's read up on.

She's pretty easy to scare, but that's kind of a given due to the fact that the world's now dominated by people with literal superpowers, not all of which were / are the friendliest...

She's a very loyal friend, but has trouble getting closer to people since she doesn't feel like she's worth their time (she is >:())


Basically a pet rock, Dawn found Radiance in a ditch while out stargazing. Radiance picked up English extraordinarily quickly just by listening to Dawn, and in a matter of hours learnt enough to talk telepathically with her. Dormant Radiance just served as a kind of companion, occasionally asking questions and stuff, but when Dawn was attacked by a Shade in front of Radiance he became forced out of dormancy and revealed himself to the (other) aliens, much to Dawn's shock.


  • Spending time with Leo
  • Supernatural and extraterrestrial stuff
  • Edgy music
  • Playing the guitar
  • Anime


  • Loud noises and people
  • Hot weather
  • Getting complimented too much
  • Talking in front of larger groups
  • Wasps


  • Really wants to learn how to do metal screams.

  • Still has a mini telescope her mum gave her when she was a kid.

  • Loves horror movies, the only things that she doesn't mind scaring her.

  • Owns more than one of the same hoodie (it's a band hoodie).

  • Watches Casper's anime channel, has long since figured out it's him that runs it.




Though Dawn and Leo spend lots of time together and care for each other a ton, she's afraid of getting any closer to him out of the worry that she'll come off as too intrusive and annoy him. They often go on runs together when they're not making music or working at Leo's diner (Dawn's made a number of contributions to Leo's mess of a menu).



It was a bit of a shock for Dawn to find out that her talking rock was actually a shapeshifting alien that could potentially bring about the end of the world, to say the least, but she still remembers the nice conversations she had with him while he was dormant.


