Species Directory (Fairy)



4 years, 8 months ago



General Information
Other Names
46cm - 96cm
Up to 400 years
Human and fairy
Known People
Vampire Fairy

Fairies are short people with pixel wings.


In human form, they barely differ from usual humans. They tend to be short and slender. Most tend to have unusual colored hair and eyes. Some are incapable of hiding their translucent wings.

In their natural form, they resemble any kind of critter, be it real animals or a mix of animals. The only limitation is that they are very small (between 66cm and 96cm), and always have two pair of wings, in all kind of shapes and colors. Their magic generally has the same color as their wings.

Origin and Myths

Their origins aren’t very clear, myth and truth too deeply glued to separate. Some say the faeries were born by mixing magic and seeds, making so that instead of sprouting trees, they sprouted tiny fairies. A popular variant says air magic was used to plant those seeds on clouds, and that’s what gave fairies their wings. In other versions, a god or goddess (who varies from tale to tale) fell enamored to a tree, giving it a human body, and their child turned into fairies.

In any version, there seems to be a strong bond between fairies and plants. Faeries tend to make their cities using plants and earth magic, as well as having an easier time learning earth magic.

History and Society

Fairies usually get well with any other species, welcoming them to their cities. It’s hard to see a settlement with only fairies. Faeries are so close to other species that hybrids are extremely common. Rather than have a history and society of their own, they have incorporated themselves in other species' history and society.

Even though there are many harmful stereotypes of fairy people stealing babies or trading their babies for ones of other species, none of them are true. It’s very common for fairy heritage only appearing many generations after the fairy parent, causing a baby to have fairy wings with parents that don’t know about their fairy heritage. This caused many accusations of fairies swapping babies.

Biology and Abilities

Unique Abilities

Those rarely change from fairy to fairy.

  • Shapeshifting (fairy and human)
  • Flight
  • Longer lifespan
  • Unusual agility

The only way to be a fairy is to be born as one. Fairy heritage can be present as different characteristics, like a small pointy nose, slender figure, and short stature. However, the person will only be considered a fairy if they have fairy wings, and/or is capable to shapeshift into a fairy-like creature.

Fairies seem to have a higher AFAB (assigned female at birth) born rate. Some theories say that estrogen is linked to the appearance of fairy characteristics, with many transwomans discovering their fairy heritage after taking estrogen.

Someone can discover to be a fairy at any age, being more common to happen when hitting puberty. When both parents are fairies, it’s common for the baby already to be born a fairy. However, there are reports of cases where fairy characteristics only appeared after the person's 40’s.


Anything that kills a human can probably kill a fairy as well. Except for poisons, as fairies seem to have good resistance to almost all natural poisons. Fairies are especially fragile in their fairy form.



Vampire fairies are very rare. They seem to prefer fairy blood, which makes taboo for a fairy to chose to be a vampire. Vampire fairies usually have all abilities that fairies and vampires have.

Other Species

Hybrids of any other species are very common. Their abilities only are added to the other species’ abilities.


  • Fairies bodies consume a lot of calories, that’s the reason why they usually have a slender figure.
  • Iron does not affect them.