
4 years, 7 months ago


Agriculture and various things

Passionate • kind • Empathetic

Gender male (he/they)
Age Adult
Race Planet
Occupation farmer

"A big man with a big heart"

His name is Opis, a lucky guy who has Saturn as his wife. Mostly known as a friendly, kindhearted guy who enjoys taking care of his farm. He enjoys sharing his goods, be it crops or artisan goods.

While he may not fit to most celestials' taste, Opis is what you would wish in a man. His charisma is located in his personality. Generally relaxed, thoughtful, hard-worker and patient. But he won't likely to forgive all your mistake and move on. Instead, he'll try to correct you in a soft manner and try his best to make you improve. Opis wishes the best for others so he does his best to be kind and influence people to be a better, greater person. This strength of his is why he was able to charm a cold-hearted, apathetic Saturn. He won't easily give up and always gives them second chances, with his own guidance

Opis had never thought of becoming a farmer. In fact, he didn't want to be a farmer at all. All he wanted was to be an engineer or maybe an architect. He sadly wasn't able to achieve those dreams and the pressure from his environment led him into learning agriculture. It was relaxing and he enjoys it, even if it wasn't his dream

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