Minecha Dratsu



5 years, 16 days ago

Basic Info






Moon Priestess | Dratsu








Juno - Companion




Is a dragon with a human form. Immune to poison, cant get drunk as she consumes poisonous and toxic substances for energy. Can be aerial and aquatic but lives on land a lot.

Juno is Minecha's companion.

Minecha is the original moon Priestess, she was courted by Jasper who wanted her powers, he poisoned her. Instead of letting him take the powers of her moon she reincarnated herself as Poison dragon and separated her power into the Moonstone.

She was brought back as a dragon on an island called Vind, a place where dragons are familiars/companions to the humans. The dragons here are special in their own way, being able to use dragon song to do certain things, they could control weather, or heal things. The songs came from the heart, something that Minecha always struggled to do. She is very much a duty-bound character, not relying on her heart. 

A wizard found her blue eyes when she was young and recognised she was special.

Minecha was loyal to a wizard that stayed there, he was obsessed with  the Moon and Stars and the power that they hold. He would research and  study them, he was especially interested in the alignments that were  said to have power to some cultures. He began using ancient magic to try  and align himself and other beings to the Moon/stars/sun but failed. He had a tower on the lowest island where Minecha lived. 

Finally he read that dragons tend to have the closest relationship with the alignments, but the ones on Vind were simple creatures. He began to use his beloved companion, Minecha for the tests. She showed to have more potential alignment-wise with the others. Gradually he was able to fully align her using a Moonstone which he had found, she had been given new powers and a new form that was humanoid. He began to treat her more like an apprentice, helping him with his magic studies. 

Moonstones are incredibly rare and difficult to acquire. They are made by taking the pure essence of the moon itself. Being reunited with it she was able to return to her true form but she had no memories of her previous life.

He asked Minecha to stay in the tower and to not venture towards the higher islands, where the main population lived. He always promised to return, despite his trips becoming less and less frequent. Minecha kept the Tower in good condition, until years had past and it felt like the Wizard would never return. She decided to venture up to highest island, all the houses were vacant, and no one was around. The villages were completely abandoned. She finally found the Wizard's own home, looking at photos she realised he had a family, and spent time with them instead. The fate of the other villagers were unknown, maybe they relocated. Two graves were in the garden, she recognised his age. He would have died of old age, she realised how long she waited in the tower and felt humilated for not understanding he had left her.

Heartbroken by the wizard, she decided to journey away from the island and keep her heart sealed, eventually finding Polaerys.

She was discovered by another Dragon like her, named Rime, who also saw her eyes and knew what she was. Rime pionered the culture of Polaerys, creating the civilation with Minecha to help her. Minecha has a natural loyal and hard worker attitude, determined to please and worked under Rime as her apprentice. With her physiology, Minecha did not require to eat or sleep, as she could absorb poisons and survive off that, meaning she could work more.

Although Rime was the current "Moon Priestess" this was just a title as she did not possess the powers or the eyes that showed it.

Minecha stood out against the rest of Polaerys, a lot of the inhabitants were sometimes creeped out by her, with her relentless work, intense gaze, and straightforward tone. She was particularly distant which is something Rime noticed holding her back. Minecha was doing her best until Rime found an orphan child who she named Oswin. A baby who she could finally be a true mother to. Minecha found herself with an increased work load, with humans are not comfortable around her.

She felt she was being replaced again, but held it together as this is why she sealed her heart. She looked forward and ignored the brewing jealousy.

As Oswin grew he began to visit the villagers more and learn of the people, they trusted him and looked up to Oswin. Rime would feel lonely when he was out so would go to Minecha. He would spend less time at the Moon Temple and behaved oddly to Rime's affection. Minecha notes this would be the perfect time to continue Rime's duties as the Moon Priestess and work on her relationship with the inhabitants of Polaerys as she spent so much time with Oswin. Rime fell out of touch with her role of the Moon Priestess and was too depressed without Oswin so asked Minecha to take it.

Initially refusing the role, Minecha expressed she would not be suited for this and what it entails. Rime explains it is more like a title if anything, she did not need to be a priestess to do her duties. Still confused as to why bother giving it to Minecha, Rime stopped the conversation.

Rime does not seem to realise the darker tone and motives Oswin begins to have, enjoying the power he has over the villagers being the son of the Moon Priestess. Minecha notices that the local villagers seem to be more afraid but they do not confide in her. Oswin has taken over a village in the mountain region who are devoted to him and become warriors.

During the Ritual for Minecha to become the Moon Priestess, Rime suddenly interrupted ritual saying she could not pass the role to Minecha, this was due to Minecha already being the Moon Priestess, unbenknownst to either, and as Minecha was still separated as she required the Moon pendent. During this, Oswin burst into the hall with a fierce look and an army behind him. He had slaughtered anyone that opposed him. He wanted to rule and had massacred his way through Polaerys and taken over to oppose the Moon. 

Rime being absolutely furious with this, disrupts the ritual to combat Oswin with his betrayal. Rime begans to freeze the temple. The Ice storm extends throughout Polaerys, killing anything remaining on the island and preventing Oswin from continueing his reign. This uses a lot of Rime's power. Rime forced Minecha to flee and keep the Moon pendant safe.

Minecha flees to the nearby continent, Univas. 

She found herself being drawn to The Mountain. Being rejected by the Moon, it's beams seem to sting her skin now that it knows she is falsely aligned. The imps welcomed her and helped her adjust to the new feeling. As she stayed there she started to try and use the Moonstone, see what abilities it holds, the imps were strangely very interested in the stone. She was able to help warm up The Mountain and cause Hotsprings and more running water to appear from the ice. The imps were able to live more comfortable and they adored Minecha so much.

Minecha decided to explore more of Univas but said she would return to see them. Eventually she found Jasper who knew her instantly but she could not remember him which he used to his advantage. He saw her necklace and was interested in her story. She declined to tell so Jasper told her about The Guild that essentially runs the place. He proposes Minecha joins him in the League, which is his institute for those aligned with The Darkness.

Minecha, although not a dark being, agrees to help Jasper with his idea and helps build up The League. She works under him as his assistant and the two create a faction that accepts creatures and dark beings. This upsets the Guild but there is nothing they can do about it. As the League and Guild have similar roles in the world their members seem to interact a lot. This is particularly notable with Minecha's missions being linked with The Guild's main team's Missions, Juno, Ruse, and Mausea.

This causes both Minecha and Juno to quickly become rivals and annoyed with each other as they mess up each other's tasks. Uta, The Guild's public relations Admin, tries to incorporate The League by inviting League members to The Guild to try and improve the relationship. Jasper began to get irritated by Minecha's presence, with all she has done for the League he was still the boss and her being there sort of lost his influence. He strongly encourages Minecha to participate with Uta's offer as she can learn more things that will help the League. With the Guild members already disliking The League they make Minecha's life there harsh. She finds herself being alone for most things and left out. She finds this does not effect her too bad and she deals with it well. 

Juno begins to notice how the Guild Members treat her and would feel awful if it were to happen to him, only to realise he is treating her the same. He looks back and finds that she was only really doing her job on their missions and she was rather civil at the Guild. He starts to be nicer to her, which puts Minecha on edge and she begins to get suspicious. This causes Minecha to become colder towards Juno as she does not trust his intentions. Struggling with this new barrier, Juno tries other means of getting to know her.

Minecha begins to realise she has more Freedom at the Guild as she is not being ordered around by Jasper, who she feels has lost touch with their initial agreement and reason for founding The League.

Jasper begins to delve further and further into the dark arts, wanting more and more power. He realises Minecha's alignment is fake with the Moonstone and can easily be used as a host for darkness, this is also helped by the fact she does not have a strong heart. Finding herself being corrupted by the dark and Jasper is the cause weakens her will further. Minecha was just being used as a decoy, The Guild would be suspicious of her and would not notice The League taking Artefacts from around Univas. 

With the Guild finding out this is what Jasper is trying to do at one of their missions with a League Member causing trouble for an artefact. They try and collect the artefacts first and stop Jasper from taking over The Dark. Minecha is unable to stop Jasper as she has been corrupted by the Dark which he already has some control over. She is unable to resist corruption as The Dark will fight back.

Jasper begins to use her to collect artefacts that will help him secure the Dark for himself as The Guild struggle to beat Minecha, especially when The Dark is effecting her.

Juno is unsure what to do because he no longer wants to fight her but can't see why she is doing this, Mausea senses darkness around The League and feels Minecha has been corrupted. Mausea advises that Minecha will need to not resist the Dark but resist Jasper's orders which is difficult to differentiate. 

During a battle Minecha goes as far as to almost kill Juno whilst he has the artefact, he throws it to Ruse whilst Minecha is charging and they both fall off a cliff. Badly wounded, Juno realises Minecha is still set on killing him for it. Juno begs Minecha to stop, realising her mind is heavily shrouded from the Dark, he shows he no longer has the artefact and still tries to get her to listen to him.

This causes Minecha to panic as she realises she nearly killed Juno and tries to fight the corruption again. Juno remembers what Maesea said and tells her not to fight it but let it pass. He slides down the cliff to her pulling Minecha into a hug to help her let The Darkness through and ignore the orders she received from Jasper using it. Minecha calms down and is unsure what to do, she thanks Juno for being there and Juno says he would always be there for her. This surprises Minecha, and she begins to feel something in her chest.


After Jasper and the Guild Master are dethrowned,The League joins the Guild under Kyra. It takes a lot of work to get the opposing students to mingle.