Fighting Fish Ruby



4 years, 9 months ago
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Fighting fish ruby is one of the earlier rubies made by Koi Diamond. She's a strong silent type, though can get rowdy if she's fighting. She wishes that there were more fights that she could participate in, though at the same time she knows it's not the will of her diamond, so she keeps in her place. Originally she was a guard to the higher class gems that would visit the colonies that koi owns while they were being built, but with those bwing complete and koi not looking to make any more colonies, she stays on homeworld for the time being, waiting to be assigned to another task.

She gets by with the strong fighting spirit by sparring with her friend Clamshell Jasper, who she teaches different fighting styles to. She finds that she enjoys teaching the quarts, given that she really enjoys to fight. She knows a lot of technical skills involved in different fighting styles, so while she may not be the strongest, her knowledge allows her to defeat an opponent quite quickly.