Acrobat Peridot



4 years, 7 months ago
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Peridot is one of the performers that Citrine has recruited. She comes off as a little rude and snarky but she genuinely loves to perform. She'll often help build sets for the group. Before Era 3 she was a technician that would help build things and oversee things. She did her work though was never really content with it. She hated being an era 2 Peridot and having to use limb enhancers, as she was happy with being short and didn't see it as such a big deal.

  • Nicknamed Dot by Peppermint Spinel
  • Enjoys Acrobalance from structures and sets that she builds herself, and prides herself on not using a net, much to the chagrin of Smoky Quartz
  • She's quite smug in her abilities, and really enjoys performing with Brown Tigers eye
  • She begrudgingly respects Sardonyx, but finds her smugness annoying, despite acting the same way

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