

Name Fake
Nicknames Boy/Good Boy/Pooch
Reality Lazer
Species Copycat Doppelganger (Canid)
Gender Male (He/Him)
Disposition Playful
Owner Nil
Fur Short
Off Trait A stripe of black along his spine
Fixation Unknown
Design Notes

  • Stocky and Big.
  • His ears are cut very short, along with his tail.
  • Usually looks grumpy.
  • Big teeths.
  • Usually a bit hunched in posturing.
  • Tongue lolls out when happy.

Fake is a relatively typical, energetic dog. He tends to tail around behind Nil when he can and wiggles what's left of his tail when so much as looked at. He's good at showing up suddenly and without warning, often startling the various doppelgangers who aren't as used to him. There are points where he will stare for prolonged periods of time and seems easily interested in just about anything. He has a particular affinity for chasing things and sometimes steals objects of clothing, especially shoes when no one is looking. Despite his stealing habits, he rarely goes as far as to destroy what he takes, just hides it somewhere. The only exception to this appears to be Leader's clothing, which is frequently left torn to shreds.

There are times where Fake gets the zoomies and will sprint about for long periods of time. He usually finally stops after a while and will just flop when he can. He always sleeps at the end of Nil's bed when given the choice, and will sleep on Lord's if Nil is unavailable. He's a strangely intelligent dog and often seems to understand what's asked of him. When Nil asks for alone time, Fake often knows what to do and will look elsewhere for companionship.


  • Fake is very protective, and seems to have an understanding of how to fight. He defended Nil a great deal when they were on Den.
  • He is so commonly underfoot for Nil that Nil just knows to be careful when walking.
  • Fake is a total mutt. Even before he was a doppelganger, there was no defined species for him.
  • Fake very rarely barks, but when he does it's deep and rather piercing. Most who hear it admit it's startling at best and scary at worst.
  • No matter how far Fake seems to wander, he always manages to find his way home. He has a better since of direction than his master.

At first, it was nothing. There were others around, many others, but not enough to really understand. Then, then it was louder. A piercing bark broke the silence of the nothing and for the first time it opened its eyes. The Doppelganger looked to its side, looked into a mouth that opened and fangs that dug in, but it felt nothing. Nothing.

Its actions were simply natural. It dug teeth into the same creature that had done so to it. The difference was that the dog bled, unlike it. By the time it was done it stood on four legs. By the time it was done it felt a tug telling it that it was gone too long, that its master must be missing it. So it returned to his side- whimpering and laying next to him as it worried. It could smell the blood. It knew what might happen soon.

It watched its master die and that broke its heart, but soon there was someone similar there. Someone who looked at it and wanted to protect it. It didn't know why, but that didn't matter. This man was its new master, and it would be happy just to be loved again. It took one last look at its old master, internally telling him goodbye, before it followed its new one.

From then on out, it would follow him forever more. After all, good people are hard to come by, and in the end... Maybe this new master of his needed more protection than really he did in the first place. Fake was a good enough name. It felt nice to be called. It felt nice to be petted and hugged and fed. So yes... This one would do. This one, he would take care of.


  • Zoomies
  • Shoes
  • Bones
  • Pets
  • Meats
  • Nil

  • Bathtime
  • Explosions
  • Cats
  • Squirrels
  • Runts
  • Yelling

Nil | Owner

Fake is feircely loyal to Nil and is always spotted under his feet when Nil takes the dog out. Nil loves Fake quite a lot, and notes that if he is completely alone sleeping and without Fake, he can't get comfortable. Fake can get notably protective of Nil, and acts of aggression toward Nil might result in getting bitten by Fake.

Ace | Nice

Fake is usually particularly bouncy around Ace, who often seems to pet him more than others. He is more insistent that she play with him than he is with most others as well. She really enjoys playing fetch with Fake, and often takes him on runs with her whenever she gets the chance. She claims that she is by far the best at making sure the dog stays in good shape.

Guard | Another Dog?

Fake is often seen playing bowing and trying to chase Guard around, much to the Doppleganger's confusion. Despite that, Guard will often wrestle Fake around, which always seems to entertain the dog. Guard, in response, seems to loosen up around Fake a little more than normal, and can be caught laughing a lot when he's alone with him.

Lysander | Fluffy

More often than not, Fake will simply sit and stare at Lysander. He seems to get entranced watching him, but still gets just as excited whenever Lysander actually reaches out to pet him. One might argue he's particularlly calm with Lysander, but Lysander doesn't think it's all that special. He claims that the calming effect is probably just natural around him.

Abel | Ignores

Abel doesn't often play with Fake, and as such the dog usually seems to overlook him to some extent. It's that, or Fake will nap around his feet, which Abel seems to like a lot more than he lets on... There are times where when Fake falls asleep, Abel will take short breaks to actually pet him for a little while, which is quite a big thing for the workaholic.

Lord | Second Master

Arguably Fake's second-favorite person. Fake often sleeps on Lord when Nil is busy, and adores the man for having very frequently taken care of him. Lord seems to have a notable soft spot for the lug of a dog too. There are times where Fake will actively seek Lord out and bring him to Nil when Nil seems upset, and as such, Lord has claimed that Fake must know more than he lets on.

Elerion | Jumpy

Fake often finds that Elerion is a little nervous around him, and has developed a slightly calmer attitude around him because of that. He tends to try to be smaller around Elerion, but is often seeking pets and attention despite that. Elerion, in response, tries to be more friendly toward Fake and very frequently feeds the dog scraps from whatever meals he might have.

Krow | Noisy

Fake often lets out big huffs around Krow, and will absolutely bop into him from time to time when ignored. Krow is usually friendly with the dog and plays with him often enough, but it almost seems like Fake is somehow tired of Krow's bullshit... Krow seems to find that somewhat amusing, and will continue to pet and laugh around Fake regardless of the way the dog grumbles about it.

Leader | Shoes

Fake sometimes allows Leader to pet him, but most commonly only seems interested in somehow getting into Leader's room and stealing various clothing items from them. They don't seem to hate Fake despite this, and will often dote on him a little given the chance. Fake seems to continue to not listen to them when they try to get him to do tricks despite this.