Randy Flowerdew (Alt. Randy)



6 years, 10 months ago



In this world, there are no faeries, there are no witches. This is why they are alternate. This is our world, essentially. Largely, Randy's story held the same. Up until third grade, at least. In third grade, Randy never met Jack. Jack was never abandoned in Yarsivec. 

This means, as Randy grew up, he never had his best friend to help him out. All he mostly had was Henry, and his other friends of his group. But Jack wasn't there to question Henry's controlling nature, so Henry was able to fully manipulate Randy under his thumb. It means that Henry's plan to really make Randy a stoner, so he could supply anything, overprice, and have a cash-flow from Randy, worked.

Randy becomes a drug addict, and loses any chance he had for college, and is removed from the school activities he had an honest enjoyment in. Starla breaks up with  him, not wanting to deal with that, and his family primarily loses all faith in him. Carl and Paul drift away.

Henry still manipulates Randy, and has him completely under his thumb. Inside, he'd like to get help and separate himself from Henry, but there's an entire system Henry made to make sure he doesn't go, whether it's talking people into hurting Randy or whatnot. The system works well.

Randy still lives with his parents and leeches off them, and smokes incessantly everywhere. He realizes that he's a horrible influence for his little brother, and feels equally horrible for that, but doesn't do anything about it. There's nothing for him to go on. This turned his mood into a bitter, rather vulgar one, where he just doesn't care at all. He's alone, essentially.