Asra Azelea



5 years, 16 days ago



Name [Asra Azelea]
Age [19]
Build [Short/fragile seeming]
Species [Human]
Gender [Male]
Oreint. [Hetero]
Corruption level [6/10]
Occupation [Scout-leader]
cor. Name[Wolf]
Origin [Geisa]
DoB [March 5th]
Height [155 cm]
Demeanor [Cold, aloof]
Theme Song [...]

  • Assigned flower: bamboo blossom
  • Designed by Ichirozu
  • Number: 096-3

Asra is the leader of Geisa's woodland patrol group, which is there to protect civilians from monsters and rabid animals and to help during natural disasters. While he doesn't seem to be a typical leader, he's rather quiet and seems fragile, he's a tactical genius and surprisingly good in combat. He works together with his teammates, Marlon and Farrah, to keep their region safe.

He doesn't seem to have any other interests besides his job. Free time isn't a thing to him, the most he'll do that could count as a personal interest is trying to tame some of the monsters he encounters. This is the only thing he's not completely emotionless towards. He's strangely obsessed with all kinds of animals and monsters, and will find the most gruesome creature cute. Sadly, taming them is near impossible and he ends up having to neutralize them every time. Both Farrah and Marlon find that rather questionable. They often have to convince him to let a creature go.


Asra is calm and calculated, always speaking in a monotone and objective manner. He's best described as apathetic, though he's definitely not disinterested. He cares, you just cant see it.

Most think he's shy because he really doesn't speak much, but that's because he only says things when it's necessary. Like when he's on a mission. Let's just say he's incapable of small talk or meaningless anecdotes.

History and Abilities


His Cor. magic is more subtle, it simply heightens his senses and gives him super human strength and speed. 


  • Monsters, animals
  • Pink
  • -

  • Unprofessional people
  • -
  • -

Marlon Mors | Friend/subordinate

They work together as a part of the woodland-patrol and are good friends. 

Unn Sikora | Colleague/Rival

Unn is a patrol leader from another division and they team up frequently. They see each other as rivals/equals.

Farrah Sparks| Friend/subordinate

Farah keeps trying to get a reaction out of Asra because he never shows a reaction, but it's not working too well. They also do combat training together.