


5 years, 8 days ago



Name Rinsten Armma
Alias Rin, Rinny
Age 27
DoB May 18th
Gender Female
SO None
Height 5'6"
Build Curvy, chubby
Race Half Dragon {Black Dragon}
Origin content
Role Necromancer
Zodiac SignTaurus
Demeanor Has a strong desire to do good 
Spotify PlaylistHere's the Link

"I try my best to see the good in every living being. I may dance with death, but it is not my place to decide who she takes with her."


  • Ghosts and Spooky Tales
  • Stars
  • Random Acts of Kindness
  • Spring and Autumn


  • Herself
  • Chromatic Dragons
  • Coffee
  • Squids



Hopeful Trusting Caring Clumsy Naive Self-loathing

When it comes to her personality, Rinsten likes to push the good and hold back the bad until she physically cannot anymore.

(More will be added later)


     Ever since birth, Rinsten has been acquainted with death. Her race had forced her mother into an early birth, which turned fatal.

     Left alone, Rin spent most of her time obsessing over the concept of family and a loving guardian. She found comfort at her mother's grave, researched books on spirits and the after life, and finally decided that she would bring her mother back to life when she was powerful enough to do so. Until then, she has claimed that death itself is her mother, and often refers to the concept as a woman. She describes Death as an elegant, glamour, and serious woman. Someone to both fear and respect.

     Thanks to her studies, Rinsten has discovered the art of making temporary vessels for lost souls. She creates clay dolls that holds the spirit for twenty four hours, and lets the family or loved ones of the soul interact. She keeps her distance, but keeps a watchful eye on the vessel as the soul has time to say a final goodbye.



Charisma 60%

Kindness 100%

Temper 85%

Integrity 70%

Courage 55%

Humor 75%


Attack 10%

Defense 60%

Magic 87%

Resistance 70%

Speed 30%

Stamina 50%


Appeal 70%

Confidence 5%

Intellect 80%

Manners 90%

Optimism 100%

Luck 30%



Creating Vessels

Rin has a talent for making little clay figurines for lost souls to use as a temporary body. Though the spell only lasts for a day, she uses this window of time to allow the family of the soul to say goodbye.

Reading Draconic Runes

Her mother's spell book is almost completely made up of draconic runes. Ever since Rin could read, she has studied this spell book and has tried to memorize every word. 

Communicating with the Dead

It is a toss up whether or not Rin is able to see the spirit in question. There are many that she is not strong enough to notice. For the ones she can see, she is hesitant to interact with them at first. However, speaking with them is a regular pass time of hers..


  • The first spirit that ever approached her is a spirit that she has named "Lady Death". She fully believes that this spirit is the Grim Reaper.
  • Ever since she could remember, Rinny has owned a photo of her mother. On the back of it, there is writing scribbled down in a language she doesn't recognize and has long since dismissed as gibberish.
  • The spell book Rinny owns has an image of a dragon engraved into it. It is the silhouette of a red dragon, though this isn't something Rin is aware of.
  • Rin has black hair by nature, and was born with a tail. As of now, she no longer has her tail nor does she allow her natural hair color to be seen.




Character Name

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Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.

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