Zael Lamarre ☆



9 years, 4 months ago



Finding pieces of myself I thought I lost.

Zael 22 May 3rd male he/him human? Bi, male preferences florist taken

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Zael has a headstrong character and a resting expression that doesn't invite casual conversation. He has built up walls over recent years to protect himself, however if you do manage to work those down, he is a fiercely loyal and protective friend. With time, his more laid back and goofy side may emerge, however it'll need some dusting off first.

  • flowers, especially wildflowers
  • wandering in the woods
  • warm drinks
  • cozy sweaters
  • dogs of all kinds
  • exploring
  • small spaces
  • fire of any kind
  • constricting clothes
  • being the center of attention
  • loud noises
  • most people

Zael grew up in New York City with his parents and older brother all of whom he was very close to. Due to his unique ability to transform into a wolf, often spurred on my intense emotion, Zael was homeschooled as a kid to ensure this secret would remain as such until he gained full control. Aside from his family, his only other companion as a child was Thomas, the son of a family friend and doctor who specialized in the supernatural. Thomas and Zael were always by each others sides, and the former helped Zael adjust when he transferred into the public school system starting in middle school. Although classes occasionally posed a bit of a challenge, Zael excelled in the sports front, joining multiple teams but ultimately landing with the soccer team. Despite loving the attention of popularity, Zael never let it get to his head and often still gravitated towards hanging with Thomas who preferred the fringes. Over time, Zael and Thomas's friendship developed into something more, and although it had to be kept secret due to Thomas's problematic father, the two were happy enough.

Sophomore year of High School, tragedy struck when a fire started in Zael's home in the middle of the night, ultimately leading to the demise of his parents and brother and leaving him hospitalized. Zael remained in an induced coma while the worst of his wounds began to heal, visited only briefly by Thomas in secret (between his father's shifts of watching over Zael's care). When Zael did regain consciousness, he panicked and fled from the hospital, his feet carrying him to Thomas's house. Unfortunately in the time between, Thomas's father found out about their relationship, threatening both of their safety, and in order to prevent further harm, Thomas harshly rejected Zael, ultimately leaving him to the streets. With nowhere else to go, Zael fended for himself, finding places in the city that would rent to underaged individuals. For years he fell into a horrible depression where he sleeplessly kept himself stupefied in a haze. After a particularly bad run in with a crowd he had fallen into, Zael resolved to start recovering and taking care of himself. It was into this recovery period where Zael first met Luce and the rest is history.

  • Partner: Luce Massey
  • Friends: Vector Klein, Jessie Fletcher
  • Children: Ben and Matthew
  • Mother: Johanna Lamarre - deceased
  • Father: Alexander Lamarre - deceased
  • Brother: Raiden Lamarre - deceased
  • 6'2 if he stands up straight
  • eyes are golden and reflect like a dogs
  • flexibility is limited due to scarring
  • back tips of hair is white
  • Two earrings only in left ear, right ripped out
  • clean shaven or short beard

Luce Massey

Luce has worked to bring back out the absolute best in Zael with seemingly unending patience and care, and for that Zael will always be thankful and in turn loves Luce with all that he is.

Vector Klein

Although Zael initially met Vec with hostility, they have grown close over time and now never seem to run dry on banter. It's unclear who's the worse influence on the other, but Zael's thankful for their friendship.