Zael Lamarre ☆ (Thomas)



Thomas was Zael's first boyfriend, having met each other when they were very young. Thomas was Zael's first friend and their relationship only grew from there. However Thomas's dad was a horrible homophobe and after the fire, when Zael was hospitalized, his father found out about their relationship. Thomas was beaten pretty horribly and even missed a week of school it its wake. In order to protect himself, and to protect Zael who his father threatened as well, Thomas broke up with Zael the first chance he got. Unfortunately, this chance was right after Zael ran out of the hospital, still dazed and drugged to find Thomas. Thomas's brutal breakup was meant to keep Zael away, however it did more than that and set Zael on a horrible path for the coming years, having no one to turn to. 

Boys in the Street 

 little lion man