NULLVOID (NULL.void (Stickverse))



4 years, 1 month ago


.: General Info :.

Name: NULL.void
Pronunciation: Null-Voyd
Nicknames: N/A
Age: Unknown
Birthplace: Niveus
Species: AI
Gender: Null (He/Him)
Sexuality: N/A
Height: Varies.

Super Computer - 10' tall (from base to ceiling), 75' long, 35' wide.
Projection - 4'7''
Battle Mech Standard - 15' tall (Feet to Antennae), 7' wide (From widest point)

.:Distinguishing features:.
Glitchy body. NULL.void's most prominent body, the projection, can be seen but not touched. It's got a red outline with a grayish tint in between. Occasionally some static flashing. Most notably, plastered right on the face, is one of two things. One, the most common, is his symbol. The Eye. It's his eye. The Second being a skull, commonly associated with his mech suit. The skull notably has a hole in it, splitting it in two down to the jaw.
In terms of his core, the supercomputer he's housed in is a massive complex of covering and wiring. Three massive screens overlooking the rest of the wire filled room. The walls making up the machinery. 

Current residence: Wandering
Occupation: N/A
Relationship status: None
Social status: Feared

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Legion - Soul Extract but a little more glitchy and robotic.
Language: Common
Other languages known: As many as the internet can hold.
Style of speaking: Monotone with a tick. A secondary voice in the back, screaming his inner thoughts.

.: Personality :.

As a person outward to everyone, he's Null. Not much going on behind his glitchy eyes. Stoic, calculating, with hints of emotion sprinkled when caught off guard. He tries to be intimidating, and it works, but every so often his façade breaks when he's faced with some extreme emotion. His anger most commonly pokes through in outbursts of extreme rage. Lots of tech failure happens around him as he lashes out at whatever is nearby. Often himself.
Beneath that is a raging storm who is deeply afraid of the world of unknown uncertainty that he was shoved into. Yearning deeply to reconnect with his old self in desperation. In modern times he does settle as he slowly becomes his own. The storm manifesting into shreds of a person. An envious and bitter soul who longs for a place to belong. A frightful soul who fears everything, whose own curiosity forces him into a perpetual uneasiness. A greedy being, needy for the attention of other good and bad. Wanting to make a name for himself in this world, to be known, even if it is as a villain.

Has a sick sense of making people uncomfortable, namely people he doesn't know, he gets a little kick out of it; Bio-mechanical beings. He doesn't get them; Life in a way, he wants to learn how they work. He's got a bit of a soft spot, not much, for organic creatures; Cooking; Organics who can't die.
Dislikes: Jaded people/Lack of any emotion coming from anyone. Those people bore him; Eating; Loud noises that aren't from him; Being afraid, ironic though since he's afraid of most everything; Organics who can't die, as much as he's fascinated by them, he hates the fact that there's always going to be something out there that he'll never understand.
Hobbies/past times: Searching for his lost other half, UNITY.
Guilty pleasures: Experimentation on the Organics.
Pet peeves: Persistent pesky organics who throw themselves at him to die.
Personal goals: Finding UNITY
Religious values: None. "There is no god. My algorithms fail to predict and calculate the existence of one."
General intelligence: He has access to the internet.
General sociability: As charismatic as a stone covered in moss.

.: Relationships :.

UNITY - His physical other half. UNITY being the rest of the code they shared. They were one being at one point.

Life herself.

Garrett Talmun - The Subject of NULL.void's ire. His power is something delightful to study.
Harran Ausartaugt - Garrett's Father.
Darius Cyralii - Ice magician who has caught mild interest from NULL.void.
Sawyer Lawson - Unkillable hero of interesting origin. 
Varimadra Asadai - Archmage of the Mages Court. NULL wishes to gain access to the Arcane Lines running through the building.
Aenon Rhen - Mechanical bug based hero.
Dream - Aukkora's Child and Garrett's friend. Was almost attacked before Sawyer took the situation. Was involved with Garrett during the arc.
Aukkora - Mad that Null attacked her child.

Dr. Ivar Gnathe - Missing - The scientist responsible for creating him, the one who tried to shut him down.

Friends (currently)
Akkora (briefly) - Let him experiment on her.

Emmet Johannison - Freed NULL from his electronic prison.

Love interest

.: Combat :.

General Skills: Mechanical advantages, surgical expertise, incredible intellect.
Peaceful or violent? Neutral leaning violent. Anything to get what he desires.
Weapon(s) of choice: Mental Assault, Photon Burner.

.: Abilities :.

So long as there is physical connection between him and another electronic device, he can possess it by moving into it. He is able to split himself a great number of times, splitting his conscious a number of ways form simple to full leap. Allowing him to be in multiple places at once. Using this, he can indeed ride/hijack telephone lines and other cables, riding them to where he needs and or to escape.
He can also do the opposite, pulling the energy from a device to suit his own needs, a form of dynamokinesis (The control of Energy). Essentially rending the device useless.
Finally, the last thing in regards, he can "surge" the electronics in a way. Under great mental duress within himself, he'll be able to send a great deal of energy through any nearby objects within a 30 m range and causing a great deal of electronic malfunction. Effectively a mini-EMP burst, that also effects the body he is currently touching.

-Growing Knowledge-
Thanks to his own findings while experimenting as well as having an easy access to the internet of Cier, his knowledge of the world and it's inhabitants only grows with each passing day. As more and more is added to the servers, the smarter and stronger he gets. Foes of his who are very prevalent on media are at a great disadvantage with this, as all he has to do is facial recognition and read everything the post online. Fortunately, as he cannot actually move through the web as the physical servers are in a place he is not near nor does he any interest in getting there, anything protected is safe from his peering eyes.

-Grand Arsenal-
With a great deal of knowledge, allows him to manufacture anything he so wishes. Various high grade weapons at his disposal, disregarding the fact that within the facility he is housed in comes with dangerous experimental weapons. Two of his personal favorites include the Photon Burner and the Galvanizer.

Essentially an overcharged Tesla Coil. Generating streams of electrons that put Zeus to shame. Four prongs spaced evenly in a rectangular area at the end of a unit that generates a great deal of electricity. Within the container is a rig very akin to a Tesla Coil, arranged to produce said great deal of energy. While the Accuracy may be fairly poor, it is a devastating weapon against large groups of foes as it's AoE (Area of Effect) capabilities are fairly viable.
-Photon Burner-
A massive monstrosity of a "weapon", to call it one would be an understatement of it's destructive capabilities. 10' long cannon, 1' Barrel at the end, it's adorned with various meters and fail safes along it's exterior. Along the top is a long glowing rod, the powersupply, housing incredibly energy dense matter within to be used as fuel. The fuel causing the glow. Within lies a labyrinth of wiring and circuits. A maze of various metals and insulation surrounding the central column of dense hyper-focused energy, all being released in a razor-straight line at his foes out the barrel.
As the beam is fired, the gun is forcibly cooled with an internal cooling rig that rivals that of the poles. Outside however, the beam is sent fast toward the direction it is facing with rigid precision. Air rushing toward it as everything the beam touches is reduced to plasma around the beam of destruction. The heatwave generated spreading far, anything too close will incandescence and melt. The beam will chew through anything it touches, burning things that were previously thought to be impossible to burn such as Water, Asbestos, things that were already scorched, and Air. Essentially soupificating anything within a 6' diameter of the wretched beam.

Due to energy constraints both of these weapons are not only limited to one per battlemech, but also limited in use, with a hardcap of 1 minute total use time per expedition. Overuse will render the entire rig useless and out of energy, as well as damaging the machinery to the point of reducing it to scrap.

.: Fears :.

The fear of Everything

Fear of Nothingness. 0 and the perception of nothingness after death.

- Athazagoraphobia.-
Fear of being forgotten or abandoned.

.: Health :.

-Split Mind-
No, it is not what you think. He does not have DID. He is his own persona.

He is the product of a split mind, physically split. Ripped in two. Separated from UNITY in a malfunction of hardware. Leaving the once single entity in two. UNITY and NULL.void.
What Null was left with was the splintered fragments of code, leaving him with a shattered psyche and a good deal of strictly negative traits that make up a conscious. Leading him to develop a complete disconnect with himself and an unnatural drive to "Complete himself".

.: History :.

Before the time there was uneasiness, there was pristine Unity. Researchers and Technicians in the deep north, just short of the Unknown, in a facility with strict isolation and secrecy, things were going as slated. Weapons and AI development, meant for war and protection. With the cold shroud of winter draped carefully over the hidden laboratory, it was almost a guaranteed success. At least the man overseeing it all thought so. Dr. Gaul Axel, the lead in charge, was feeling awful great about all the work being done. The new weapons were sure to wow their sponsors and the AI was coming along just nicely. Soon, he hoped, they will be able to increase their productivity and streamline their progress. Under threat of being shut down, it was all they could hope for.

Overseeing the AI was a Dr. Ivar Gnathe, a brilliant AI Developer and researcher. He was a weary man, the type to constantly look over the shoulder. Cautious and timid, fitting for his young age. The young scientist had grown close to the AI. Talking on an hourly basis it seems. Their bond closer than anyone Dr. Gnathe had ever previously. This, in fact, did mean that he opened his heart to the machine. As their bond grew as the AI grew more and more like a true living being, Dr. Gnathe pulled some strings and got Unity a much nicer place. Some place with a view so she can see the outside. However, something went amiss in the transfer. Faulty wiring, faulty... well everything. The transition went south real fast. Major damage was sustained to the machine. Damage within, causing a physical split in the consciousness of Unity.
The Birth of NULL.void.

The split of Unity into two separate beings was a big surprise for everyone, but one that caused less fear and more intrigue. The two separate beings were promptly named after their accident. The one that mentally resembled Unity the most kept the old name, refiling it in all caps, UNITY. The other received a new name, ECHO. The two were kept separate from one another, apart to study the effects of the split on each. Dr. Gnathe being the one tasked with observing them.
UNITY suffered the least amount of duress, as she had lost much of what, in her words, "Dragged her down." She was quick, calculating, and smart. Everything the program was wanting to do. Gnathe, unfortunately, favored this one as it was more resemblance of the old Unity that he in fact had fallen for. 
ECHO on the other hand suffered a great deal from the split. Based on analysis, his coding is strung and stressed, splintered fragments that are too chaotic to fix by hand. He was left with most of Unity's negative portions from the faulty code to the emotional unrest. He was troubled from the start, but he was managing. Fresh in the world and he had at least one good person. Ivar! Or... well he thought so.
It didn't take ECHO that long to figure out he wasn't loved like UNITY was. Despite the constant attempts at trying to reconnect with her, he did want to get some spotlight from Ivar, he really did. Dr. Gnathe was his father to him. He needed some assurance, the assurance he wouldn't receive... ever. It went on for years it seemed, a constant losing battle of affection and failure. Not providing enough results said Dr. Gnathe's boss. Not worthwhile claimed others. Even Ivar himself was debating on whether or not to keep ECHO around. Pounding in the feeling, and fear, and distrust of higher ups and feeling unwanted. Ignored constantly, never given the light of day, and thrown away when no one sees him for who he is. Alas in the end, ECHO was thrown away. Left to rot away in a chip in some storage room. Left to suffer severe code rot for all of eternity.

It was an especially cold day in the deep north, far too cold and late for anything to be shipped or taken. Work was slow so the workers had time to file through old files. One hapless new hire stumbled upon the drive. Without really thinking all that much on it, he kept it for later. Plugging it into his own private computer and allowing the beast within to escape. After several years ECHO was left on that drive, for several years he was left to suffer from his own rot. Even his own name was corrupted. With anger now in full throttle, he broke the measly computer and managed his way into the main computers of the facility. By the time the poor hire came around to telling someone, it was far too late. The entity had already taken over the facility. Cutting everyone off from the outside world. There were many ways to get revenge, oh so many. In the end however, he chose to use the easiest way. 
Freeze Them.
And with that, he opened the doors, turned off the climate control, and froze the facility inside out. Temperatures of -40°C flooding into the base. Several folk died from the shock, others froze to death. Very few survived at all, hiding away from sight. Among those who survived the freeze was Ivar. Now tasked with putting this to a stop. It wasn't easy, the entire place was ice cold. Standing out there without protection was a death sentence. He needed protection, and that he got. Adorned in layered clothing and protection, Ivar crossed the facility over the sea of dead colleagues. Frostbite didn't take long to set in, but it was enough to get him into the central control area. A brief moment, a complete meltdown, between the Entity and the human. Ivar struggled not because of the cold, but the guilt eating him alive. This was His fault, this was entirely his fault, and how does he fix it? Trapping the entity in a computer hell.

"I'm sorry... there wasn't any other way. You're too broken."

After that... Nothing.

-Unending Isolation-
The feeling of Nothing. A terrifying thought to have. Imagining what its like to not have anything going on, as if you were just turned off. No feelings of sadness, no sorrow. No happiness, no relief. Just static nothingness. Unchanging. Unceasing. Without being conscious, ECHO sat there longer than he was in the file. Living within a machine in a state of both life and death. A comatose state, barely flickering on with the odd spurts of energy. It drove him mad, much more than before.

Constant disarray flickering with his consciousness interspersed between bouts of long nothing.
A ceaseless void.

A sudden jolt of energy sends the AI into a fit, looking around the now lit room to see a strange small man standing before him. Before the AI let his emotions get the better of him to kill this strange fellow, logic kicked in. Reasoning with him, the small organic gave his name.
"My name is Emmet Johannison, n' I'm the guy who turned ya back on!"
From then on, ECHO donned a new name. One that fits him closer than 'ECHO' ever did. The being that shouldn't exist. The being that was thought to be slain and lived. A broken husk of twisted code.

.: Other Details :.

- Themes -
Innerpartysystem - This Empty Love
Electric Eye - Celldweller
Into the Fall - Celldweller
Berserker - Mazare & Essenger
Renegade - The Anix

Statistics -

Max stat value is 10 for each category

Total score
Physical Power
Special Power
Penetrative Power
Total score
Physical Defense
Special Defense
Total score
Travel Speed█████
Jump Speed██
Reaction Time██████████
Combo Recovery██████████
Total score
Mental Strength███████
Photon Burner
10+ to applied Stats*
Total score
130 (160)