Seraph (Seraph (Stickverse))



3 years, 11 months ago


.: General Info :.

Name: N/A
Nicknames: Seraph
Age: 26
Birthday: June 8th
Birthplace: N/A
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'7'' / 1.7 m

.:Distinguishing features:.
The first thing that ever comes into sight is his Gas Mask. One way glass, reflecting the looks of terror of his adversaries. Sprouting out of it is coarse hair and broken flaky horns. Scars litter his body, a result of his chronic skin condition. Grey skin with yellow stripes around his fingers and toes. 

Current residence: Clan Vallation
Current home: Andorough
Occupation: Revolutionary
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Beloved by his friends

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Matthew Sandars aka M. Shadows
Language: Common
Other languages known: Sign Language
Style of speaking: Full of venom towards, powerful and boisterous. A voice strained by years of societal torment.

.: Personality :.

Bitter out in public. He does not hide his hatred for higher power. Corporate overlords and mindless political figures send him fuming. Behind close doors, he's fairly social and quite happy. You can almost feel his smile from under the mask. Charitable and always looking out for the little guy.

Likes: Sweets/Chocolate, Seeing people happy.
Dislikes: Seeing people down on their luck, seeing folk alone against foes that can easily overpower them.
Hobbies/past times: Radio Host
Guilty pleasures: Smoking
Pet peeves: Those in power talking over and/or for those who need help.
Personal goals: Burning infrastructure.
Religious values: None. "What kind of God would let his people suffer at the hands of Sin."
General intelligence: Moderate/Average
General sociability: Fairly Social and charismatic. Rallies people up easy.

.: Relationships :.

He has a family, but never brings them up to keep them safe.

Duality - Work Rival. Knows his past.

Jay - Ordered the slaughter of Seraph's parents. Corporate overlord of a long melted city.
Agaet - Puppet of Jay. Carried out the order of killing Seraph's Parents.

Friends (currently)
Duality - When downtime, they can be found talking civil-like and calm. 

Tiro - Inspired him. Seraph works under him in his Clan.
Bisma - Wandering mercenary who utilizes fire. Once Seraph's right hand gal back in the melted city.

Love interest

.: Combat :.

General Skills: Speaking, Hand to Hand combat, Firearm practice.
Peaceful or violent? Violent
Weapon(s) of choice: Himself

.: Abilities :.

-Flammable Gas-
Seraph can emit highly flammable gas from his skin in great quantities. Depending on the concentration, it can be either a neat party trick or a building detonating blast.

Something early early on in his life happened involving experimental procedures that resulted in his skin being more durable to fire. He can still overheat, but burns are a thing of the past!

-Shock Absorption-
The scientists who enhanced Seraph's young body thought ahead when giving him his fireproof ability. When detonated in high amounts, that would crush his weak body. So, instead of physically preparing him normally, they imbued him with a crazy amount of shock absorption within his body. He can tank upwards of 10 kilotons of force before he is obliterated.

.: Fears :.

Fear of the Past

Fear of Doctors

.: Health :.

-Black Lung-
Disregards health and safety with cigarettes. That and his own gasses still mess with his lungs. He's forced to wear a gasmask.

Chronic hardening and tightening of the skin and connective tissues.

.: History :.

Seraph is a man of very few words on his history. He boasts that his town was practically saved by him before joining Vallation, but there is sprinkles of doubt in his voice, regret, and misaligned story elements throughout all he proudly presents. Even more great secrecy surrounding the originating factor of his abilities. Much of what he boasts is a lie, to no surprise, keeping even the city name he was from a well kept secret. Under lock and key even to those he's closest too, such as Tiro, his leader; and Darius, his rival.

Not common knowledge (spoilers!)

Seraph is really open. You all know this, he loves people, he loves chatting with people, he just likes being a social butterfly, especially with Vallation (hopefully we can start touching on that soon). He's almost an open book. Completely in touch with his emotions and can voice stuff pretty easy. Some would wager he has an issue shutting up. However there is the one thing he Never talks about. His history. His anger is palpable when it is brought up, angry at something but never the person asking. It's seen in his actions during raids and riots, the sheer bloodlust for an opponent unseen. On top of that, whenever Darrell is present in fights, it is enough for Seraph to drop everything and start conflict with the metal manipulator himself. Like an arrow to it's target.
The reason for all this anger. The reason Seraph is so silent about his and Darrell's history. The reason that he has to wear that mask... is a man named Jay.

Jay Andrews, not a common name around the world but his company was once a common household name. Jaycorp, a jack of all trades company that supplied standard utilities on top of factorial and mining work. Upon first glance his company seems to be a beacon of kindness, but as all massive companies face, there is a blackened scar of corruption etched within the core. That taint being the man behind the company itself.
Jaycorp was settled neatly in a Mountain town nestled neatly within the mountains north of Blackwatch, emphasis on was as now it's been reduced to a metal slag pile with little history left. The only people left to tell of it's tale is the exodus of people who evacuated into surrounding cities. The bulk going to Blackwatch. Seraph to Andorough. Bisma to Drustown.
The story starts several years prior. Prior to even Vallation's Conception.

All this time ago, a brilliant city once existed. A standing tower of manufacturing. A jewel in the eyes of those living outside the city. However within it's underbelly lie twisted secrets and a massive class divide problem. A brewing war bubbled beneath the denizens of those in a higher class. Living a life of luxury thanks to the money that Jay brought into the city.
The money that Jay brought in was one of the city's major money intake aside from tourism and recreation. With that money, he essentially ran the city from the background. The police being the biggest money makers, with him paying them off and controlling their every move.
Seraph was born in this town at the bottom of the totem pole. The son of two lower class citizens fighting for their place in this world. His father was a meek man with a brilliant mind. An accountant for a lawyer firm with access to cases and a lot of legal knowhow. His mother was the opposite. A literal powerhouse. Fit as all hell and an expert at fighting. She spent most her day as construction worker or training. Both of them were freedom fighters. Partaking in both peaceful and violent protests.
Protests were common in this town. The unfair laws, the widening divide, the extreme disconnect between the higher class and the lower. It was a mess, but that is where Darrell came in. He may be a total hothead and a massive bitch, but his crowd control capabilities were unmatched. As the chief in this town, he was practically a pocket cop for Jay. A "Peacekeeper" was his public title, but to those protesting, he was anything but. A cruel sadistic man known for his abusive behaviors.
Before Seraph could even partake in any peace rally, which he wasn't even interested in at first, he was captured and subject to a terrible fate at the young age of 6. A twisted hospital underneath the city named the Devil's Lab was his prison for a solid year. There he was experimented on, turned into the juggernaut he is known as today.

The Devil's lab is where most of the odd and strange things from that city was created or held. Seraph and his absurd shock absorption, Agaet and his living tank like stature, and above all else... that is where Bisma was held for most of her life. The daughter of a now dead Ivra looking to start a life there after escaping a terrible relationship with a less than stellar person. Bisma and Seraph, both the same age at the time, had cells across from one another. There they formed their bond. There they became an inseparable duo.
Despite the terrible situation, they managed to escape through the help of Seraph's parents. From then on, they were part of the freedom fighting movement. Children, twisted by the government. As they grew, Seraph and Bisma's goal shifted from the parent's. While the elders wanted to save the city, Seraph wanted to burn it down and let it be buried by time. Bitterness building as years pass. All coming to a fiery end at the age of 17.
A lot happened in the city since the raid on the Lab. Riots, protests, raids from the police, a lot of people died. Everything, despite the outlook, was going well for the protestors. Change was happening, the police reformed and Darrell forced from the city. The only thing that need changing was the reformation of the very thing that led to this outcome. Jaycorp. Unfortunately... The flaming war was ended swiftly as the first protest on Jay's company took place.
With no other option other than facing the crowd, Jay opted to turn the protest violent. 1 Vs 100,000... and Agaet won. The crowd dispersed as Agaet dealt with what Jay pointed to. The leaders of this rebellion. Seraph's parents. His father was killed in a near instant. Punched into the wall, every bone in his torso shattered and splintered. His mother didn't go down without a fight, putting up a decent one, but not well enough to go after this abomination of chemicals and metal. She wasn't even dead when Seraph watched as his parents were ravaged.

Seraph witnessed the final moments of his parents first hand, peaking through as the security of Jaycorp started disposing of the bodies on their property. Unmarked graves and burning bodies. Agaet standing over Seraph's battered mother, his father toppled over against the wall, long dead.
His mother looked over to him, with tears in her eyes and a saddened smile on her face, before Agaet finished the job. Crushing her torso and leaving her bleeding out on the pavement. Seraph couldn't even run to her as Bisma held him back. Had he ran in, he surely would have been killed.
With that, Seraph knew exactly what he wanted to do. Instead of living his parent's dream, liberating the city from it's twisted ruler... he burnt it to the ground. Having Bisma release a Firestorm from the city after evacuating the lower-class folk from their homes, those who'd come. The single biggest loss of life as all those within were swept up in the flames, or melting metal. The city was reduced to a massive slagpit. Erased from time within a day. Both Seraph and Bisma were ashamed of what they've done. Leaving the area and going their separate ways. Leaving the survivors to exodus to Blackwatch.
Bisma leaving to the sands north and Seraph finding refuge in a city not so far away. Andorough. Finding some way to ease the pain in his heart from the terror of his past.

After the hintings of a constant struggle back where he came from, he joined up with Clan Vallation. Ecstatic that he not only gets to hang out with his biggest hero, but also gaining the assistance he desperately needed to get things done.

.: Other Details :.

- Themes -
KoRn - Can you hear me
KoRn - Gravity of Discomfort
Blue Stahli - Suit Up
Avenged Sevenfold - Shepard of Fire
- Other -

He tends to keep quiet about much about him and his past other than the fact he looks greatly up to Tiro and this organization. Aside from that however, he's really approachable! Despite the menacing aura and toxic flammable gasses he emits, he's easy and chill to talk to. Loves all his friends and treats them like family.
On the streets, he's almost an entirely different person. Loud boisterous voice, aggressive and mean toward their opposition. Actively seeking to destroy to get his points across while making sure the innocent folk stay out of harms way. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, but only with the blood of:

"Filthy Pigs who perpetuate the sorrow of their own People."

On the down low, he runs a Radio Station, name pending. He plays music and occasionally just talks into it. Mostly uplifting and motivational speeches. He's very good at it as well, as his Charisma is only matched by Tiro it seems.

.: Statistics :.

Max stat value is 10 for each category

Total score
Physical Power██████6
Special Power███████7
Penetrative Power1
Total score
Physical Defense████████8
Special Defense███3
Total score
Travel Speed█████5
Jump Speed█████████9
Reaction Time█████5
Combo Recovery██████6
Total score
Mental Strength████4
Total score