
4 years, 8 months ago



Name Texas Walker
Called Tex, Butter 
Age young adult
Gender female
Race canine shifter
Breed golden retriever
Alignment chaotic good

A young retriever with a heart (and pelt) of gold! She's kind and caring and has a certain charm about her, perhaps the reasons she makes such a great friend.


  • sunsets/rises
  • road trips
  • affection
  • rain


  • rumors
  • loud noises
  • exclusion
  • airports


work in progress.


Tex is welcoming and kind to everyone, (unless given a justifiable reason not to be) even to strangers. She has an inviting and otherwise friendly attitude, and she'll often go out of her way to make you feel comfortable. She's very clever, more so than she may seem at first, and can be excitable at times, usually being hyper or super affectionate for virtually no reason. She's supportive of those she considers friends and is ready and willing to help you with whatever you may need. This can cause her to be generous, sometimes too much for her good. She can be a pushover, though she will often be aware of it and slowly start to distance herself. She can be reckless or impulsive at times, straying away from her well-thought-out nature to be or do something spontaneous. Generally speaking, she's pretty cheerful and reserved, but can be emotional from time to time and can be irritable or upset easily. She's optimistic and believes in second chances and forgiveness, even to those somewhat undeserving. Make a friend in Tex and you'll have a loyal companion by your side.


work in progress.



Taro  [ lover ]

Her current boyfriend! They're a bit like high school sweethearts, and although she started out a bit hesitant (due to her past relationship) she now holds him very dearly in her heart, and aspires to travel the world and (eventually) start a family with him.


Sid  [ ex ]

Her boyfriend in a past relationship. They were quite close, though a bad breakup caused them to seperate both literally and figuratively. It wasn't until later that they were able to move past it and be tolerant of each other, nevertheless become friends.


Marilyn  [ friend ]

Her childhood best friend. Her, Tex, and Sid (and later Taro) all formed a little group of sorts, and would continue to be friends up until Tex and Sid's breakup (due to Sid telling lies to Marilyn about what happened). They later become friends again, even if she is now dating Sid.

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