


4 years, 7 months ago



Name Seiko Arakawa/Gambit
Occupation Phantom Thief
Age 21
Gender Female
Nationality Japanese
Sexuality Pansexual
Height 6'1
Voiceclaim N/A

Personality: Whether Seiko’s justice as a phantom thief is correct or not is up for debate, but she does have a strong sense of justice. It makes her compelled to put other “worse” criminals in their place, however her non-violence moral code still applies to criminals. She will often deliberately taunt criminals without justification for their actions in extremely brutal manners, using her words instead of violence. She will only do this when she understands why the criminal does what they do though.

Seiko (particularly when acting as Gambit) is very flamboyant, having a tendency to make big over the top gestures. This is combined with her sense of fashion, which is quite eye-catching as well. She can often go on big spiels and speeches, sometimes being somewhat unrelated to the current topic. Sometimes her reactions to various situations will be extremely dramatic and would be considered blowing things out of proportion.

Seiko is someone who tends to do things in a manner to deliberately get the attention of others, whether this attention is good or bad. She takes it all in stride, not being offended if the bad attention gets her insulted or targeted by others in a typically undesirable way.

Seiko is stupidly confident, finding socialisation effortless and actually very enjoyable. This confidence is the same thing that allows her to believe in her abilities so strongly, because if she didn’t have that she likely never would’ve become the Ultimate Phantom Thief.

Due to the fact that nobody has managed to catch Seiko before when she’s enacting her phantom thief actions, this developed a degree of arrogance within her. She’s someone who has a bad tendency to underestimate others until they prove themselves to her through their actions. Words and threats about what they “can” do won’t persuade her of their ability.

Seiko is someone who enjoys socialising, but struggles with the fact that she has to hide her real identity, this makes getting long term friendships extremely difficult for her as she can’t even give them her name or gender when posing as Gambit. If someone sees her as Gambit, they will likely never get to know her as Seiko (it’s not like they’re completely separate personalities, more different personas, but she won’t reveal her real name or gender to anyone who has identified her as Gambit).

With few exceptions, Seiko will be polite to just about everyone. This will be the most prominent with her peers as she has no reason to not be polite to them. She will also be polite to blackeneds, understanding that their situation is difficult right now, she views their reasoning for doing it as generally reasonable, as nobody (she hopes) would typically kill one of their peers willingly. She will go out of her way to keep the people she is around comfortable with her, and also always have tea and biscuits on standby if they would like it.

Seiko is someone with a lot of experience witnessing exactly what trauma does to people (through rescuing prisoners of criminals during her heists) and this has developed a mindset within her where she wishes to accommodate others as part of her “politeness”, even if this accommodation requires a lot of effort on her end. She won’t question why they would like whatever accommodation they’re requesting and will do it anyway.

Seiko as a phantom thief is very mischievous, relishing in outsmarting her opponents where possible. She has a tendency to lightly tease her opponents in a pretty non-offensive manner. More sarcastic teasing has happened before though, and tends to be directed at the worst criminals or people like the hosts of the Killing Game.

Seiko’s entire career as a phantom thief relies on her hiding her identity. Due to this, she may give off a mysterious aura as she doesn’t show others her face, name, gender or other personal information. This is because it can lead to her capture by the police. However if it is necessary to prevent a death of some kind, she will reveal her identity as she believes that another person’s life is more important.

Now I know that this seems like a contradiction. What I mean by this is that Seiko is open about herself in the backstory sense, she tends to answer the questions that other people will have about her past within reason. Things like why she became a phantom thief and who she actually steals from are things that she is very willing to tell. She won’t give away the name of her family or the names of criminal’s prisoners either though.

Seiko is definitely more on the optimistic side of the optimist/pessimist spectrum. Not full blown “nothing can go wrong ever”, but she tends to be of the mindset that one should try to look on the bright side where it’s possible to do so. Just because it’s healthier in her opinion.

It’s absolutely not unheard of for Seiko to abruptly make decisions or get ideas and enact them in a very short timeframe. She might occasionally jump from topic to topic a bit, this isn’t her being disinterested in a conversation though, just that she’s a very spontaneous person.

Seiko is someone who views lying as “impolite” and thus refuses to do it. If she is asked a question that makes her uncomfortable, she will just say that she’s uncomfortable with answering it. In her opinion, lying is pointless and just slows everything down, making things inconvenient for others.

Combined with factors like her arrogance and self-confidence, this leads to Seiko being what others would consider reckless. Despite the odds of her heists succeeding typically looking good, she doesn’t really take the most subtle route possible, instead going for something more showy as an example.

Seiko is someone who can keep up a conversation with pretty much anyone, and she doesn’t mind if said conversation is one-sided, she typically assumes that they’re just a quiet person rather than jumping to the idea that they’re not interested.

Seiko is an outlandish individual, so the word exotic would probably be a good way to describe her. It might be difficult for others to determine what to make of her at first, but she honestly does have good intentions, she’s just very eccentric.


  • Detectives
  • Phantom Thieves
  • Tea
  • Romance


  • Injustice
  • Stains
  • Low Quality
  • Violence


Seiko Arakawa is from the extremely wealthy Arakawa family, who gained their extreme wealth through the ownership of multiple massive corporations. Seiko was never going to be the next head of the family, but she was definitely one of the older children when compared to the others. Primarily she lived on a large estate along with many extended family members, being homeschooled and rarely being allowed outside the property. She was never particularly bothered by this until her relationship with her family went downhill. Study would be intense, even if she wasn’t intended to be the next family head, it was important that she wouldn’t be considered “shameful” when compared to the rest of the family. Extreme levels of etiquette regarding just about all interactions with other people (as a number of them were very powerful and important individuals) were standard, and Seiko abided by this, with the politeness even becoming a habit later on.

She would read a lot of books as part of her study, and had preferences towards mystery type novels featuring phantom thieves. Naturally she kept this interest in phantom thieves a secret from the rest of her family, as it would’ve been regarded as inappropriate for someone in the Arakawa family.

This is where the origins of her stealth tactics began, as she would sneak the books into the house on the few occasions where she was outdoors, using the money she had to purchase them in secret. She was caught numerous times of course, but she adapted and changed her strategies. Over time, the rate at which she would be caught for doing this (as well as similar things like sneaking candy into her room) was reduced as her strategies improved.

Life progresses as normal, with study and the extreme etiquette continuing to go on. This was until more details of how the family works were explained when she got older. She was told by family members around the age of 13 that she was to marry someone powerful and eligible, not out of love but out of a need to expand the family’s reach. Anything else would be considered shameful.

With Gambit having idealistic views of love and relationships based on the fiction that she had read, this displeased her immensely, but she claimed that she would agree to it. In reality, this prompted her to get ready to run away from the family to achieve a greater degree of freedom. This event also intensified her strange interest in relationships more so than the fiction, she places such things on a pedestal nowadays.

At the age of 14, she discovered the dark side of the family through overhearing conversations, looking at secret documents that the family stores and being directly told by other members of the family. The Arakawa family was breaking several laws regarding treatment of workers within their companies and the like, crushing any resistance with the threat of their wealth and access to the best lawyers. Bribery was also a common offence on the part of the family.

At the age of 15, Seiko finally ran away, not knowing what exactly to do with herself for a while until she decided upon becoming a real life version of what she idolised in the books she read. A phantom thief. Although a more accurate description would be a vigilante phantom thief, since she began by stealing from petty criminals such as thieves, often returning the goods that she was capable of getting and taking enough extra to keep herself fed and safe.

After beginning the thievery, she decided upon leaving “calling cards” to her targets, as if taunting them. There was a particular incident where she was in a bit of a pinch, with a few members of a minor gang were chasing her down. She decided to go for a risky maneuver that if performed wrong she would get severely injured, but it would get her away from them.

She scaled a nearby building, climbing onto balconies and small ledges to ascend. This incident was how Seiko chose her phantom thief name, Gambit. She decided that it was fitting as she was likely to gain a reputation for doing risky and dangerous things to gain the necessary advantages to defeat her opponents.

She would continue like this, gradually going for bigger, riskier and more challenging targets while simultaneously building up new skills required to take on what could be called a real heist. One year after running away, she performed her first real heist on an individual renowned in the criminal underworld. Stealing an extremely high value gemstone, this was the beginning of her almost insane accumulation of wealth. Unfortunately, this also began her arrogance problem as none of her targets managed to catch her.

To find these criminals, she would launch her own investigations to find potential targets, making sure to find irrefutable evidence of their crimes before targeting them. She has a number of shady contacts that she has both gained over time and knew before she ran away from home.

These contacts were generally related to the criminal underworld in some way, and would point her towards mafia bosses or criminal CEOs to rob. Information brokers that are part of the criminal underworld are typically a good start (they generally don’t get robbed because they’re rarely violent, typically just selling information on criminals rather than being an extremely bad criminal themselves).

In cases where the criminals keep prisoners of some kind, Gambit would free them as well. This led to Seiko gaining experience with what trauma actually does to people. Seeing all of the negative effects, it increased her desire to deal out “true justice” towards the ones responsible.

She would try to check on the rescued prisoners every so often, none of them know her true identity though as when someone sees her as Gambit she will not show herself to them as Seiko. Some of them had killed themselves, others have moved onto productive lives, even more are battling the thoughts that come with the trauma, making attempts to manage it through psychologists and other treatments (a lot of which has worked fairly well). Seiko with her vast sums of money would fund help where it was needed, just to help with the sudden change that she caused.

In terms of how she uses her wealth, she has her own property hidden in a fairly obscure location. This is often where she will keep the items she steals in a collection of hers at the assumption that she didn’t sell it (typically she’ll keep items with meaning or some kind of special value, things like gold bars don’t fall under this).

When it comes to the high-class furnishing she uses, she makes a point to buy from individual artisans rather than big companies. Why? Well two main reasons, firstly she feels like it has more meaning that way, it’s one of a kind and secondly she can give the money to someone who is more deserving of it. She takes great care to make sure they won’t be caught for possession of stolen goods, and so far has succeeded in that.

She gained her almost urban legend-esque status through rumours and word of mouth. The only real clue pointing towards Seiko was the calling cards left behind at every scene, usually having something taunting her targets on them. Things along the lines of “You should improve your security and your morals, this was painfully easy - Gambit, Phantom Thief” were quite common. This was exacerbated by the fact that nobody could really confirm what “Gambit” looked like, there were glimpses and the like, but nobody who had seen her fully came forward.

Criminals gradually lost their challenge more and more as Seiko gained experience, as this happened, her desire for a rival became more and more intense. She wanted a counterpart that was just as skilled as she was in their respective field, preferably something along the lines of being a detective or police officer.

One night, she was resting after a successful heist on the rooftop of a building, little did she know something major was going to transpire. Shigeki Yoemon, a young detective, happened to come up to the rooftop as well. They talked, and eventually formed a rivalry as a result of the conversation, largely due to Seiko’s taunting and teasing. This compounded with Shigeki’s strong sense of justice, compelling him to apprehend her.

Their bond got stronger over time, eventually becoming something far more mutually respectful than it was in the beginning, and it would later become explicitly romantic. (although the feelings are there).


Shigeki Yoemon [ Future Boyfriend ]

Shigeki is a detective who happened to discover Seiko on a rooftop. They quickly formed a “rivalry” of sorts, with a strong competitive atmosphere and relationship between the two. He has a strong dislike for criminals and can be incredibly brash towards Seiko, but she still appears to have a decent amount of respect for him despite this (since he is by far the one who is closest to capturing her, even managing to get close to handcuffing her).

She isn’t entirely sure about how he views her at the moment, but doesn’t focus on that either. It’s very cat and mouse in terms of how the rivalry works, with Seiko usually being a few steps ahead. Just imagine about every phantom thief/detective rivalry trope, it’s probably in their relationship in some form.

Their views align more than it may seem initially, with both of them having a strong desire for justice to be dealt to criminals who deserve it. They key difference between them tends to be the methods, Shigeki is a detective and does this through standard procedures, whereas Seiko executes justice through acts of vigilantism, stealing items of high value to deter criminals from continuing their crimes combined with threats of repeat thefts.

The Arakawa family [ Relatives ]

Seiko has had no contact with her family for an extended period of time, but the way they treated Seiko when their relationship was going downhill was the inciting incident that made her become a phantom thief. While it didn’t traumatise her, the situation pushed her to take action much sooner than initially anticipated.

The children in the family are largely the ones that stop Seiko from reporting large swathes of the family to the police for their criminal acts. She doesn’t want the children to be removed from their parents because while their morals are ambiguous, they are far from abusive. She has plans to deal with her family herself, but if that becomes impossible, reporting them to the police becomes her only option.
