
4 years, 8 months ago



Name T-39-65-05-0
Alias Gnock
Age 26
DoB 03/04/1994
Gender Male
SO /
Height 6'5"
Build Large & Stocky
Race Human
Origin Russian
Role Solo
Alignment /
Demeanor Indifferent

"Bye bye baby blue, I wish you could see the wicked truth Cause it's killing you "


  • Bees
  • Doner Kebabs
  • His Cat
  • Slice of Life Anime


  • Blood
  • the cold
  • Action/Thrillers
  • Green Tea



Focused Rational Thoughtful Cold Paranoid Apathetic

Gnock is a very unapprochable man. With his towering stature, heavily cybernetic body and the featureless mask he often wears, he cuts an intimidating figure which isn't helped by his rather cold personality. Uninterest in most people's daily lives and complaints, he is not much one for small talk with stranger and prefers not to talk at all if possible, leading to some awkward situations at clubs.

Gnock is very efficient at his job, staying focused on whatever task he is given and rarely if at all is he influenced by his own emotions when it comes to making decision, prefering to decide things based on how logical or useful they are.

Due to his history and current profession, Gnock is also a very paranoid individual, slow to let people in and very concerned about security. He doesn't openly discuss his jobs or plans and the amount of locks and protective measures in his small flat are worrisome.

Once you truly get to know Gnock however, he does begin to warm up a bit. Despite his lack of social skills and tact, he is an incredibly observant and thoughtful person. He will remember important little details that you tell him and if you're lucky enough to recieve gifts, they'll probably hold some deep meaning or be something you especially wanted. As a friend, Gnock is a very supportive but realistic person- willing to back you up no matter what but won't hesitate to call you out if you're being dumb. As a lover, he is incredibly gentle, making sure to pay enough attention to their wants and needs as he truly wants them to be happy and he is aware that his cold nature turns a lot of people off.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum molestie ipsum. Morbi sit amet libero velit. Maecenas ut metus molestie, malesuada erat ultrices, sagittis nisi. Donec hendrerit libero enim, eget venenatis sem accumsan sit amet. Vestibulum volutpat mollis sem eget feugiat. Pellentesque dapibus, quam a laoreet pulvinar, felis quam tincidunt odio, quis pellentesque felis urna id urna. In sed ipsum feugiat, pulvinar est eget, egestas libero. Aliquam interdum erat mauris, eget fermentum quam consectetur imperdiet.



Charisma 10%
Kindness 40%
Temper 50%
Integrity 70%
Courage 80%
Humor 30%


Attack 70%
Defense 90%
Magic 0%
Resistance 75%
Speed 70%
Stamina 80%


Appeal 10%
Confidence 70%
Intellect 80%
Manners 60%
Optimism 30%
Luck 40%



Death Gripp

With his prosthetic arms Gnock has superior strength and can crush most material, bend some and easily choke or break your neck if need be.

Hit or Miss, Guess you never miss,HUH?

Proficient with multiple different firearms and with enhanced vision and reflexes,you do not want to get within his sights bc the chances of Gnock missing your vital organs is very low.

You can't run, You can't hide

Having been trained to be hyperaware of his surrounding and with enhanced senses, Gnock can easily spot small details, notice specific figures and track whoever he may be pursuing for a mission.


  • Gnock has multiple tattoos of plants and bees on the few expanses of skin still remaining on his body.
  • As he still belongs to the company and lab that brought and raised him, Gnock has multiple restrictions set upon him and also, monitoring devices installed into his body to keep track of his location and status.
  • Gnock has seven other siblings, with him being the youngest and most estranged from the rest.
  • He has a small black and grey cat called Speck.





Currently his roommate and also childhood friend, a rockerboy struggling to find a stable job. Naive but lively and optimistc with impecable fashion sense, he's a refreshing breeze against Gnock's stoicism and bland selection of clothes.




Gnock's eldest sister, a succesful rocker girl with a lovely wife as a band member. She's one of the few siblings to even remember Gnock as a baby and has tried to reconnect with him over the last couple of years, though it is a hard and at times difficult process.




Gnock's older brother, a ruthless nomad who is out for revenge. When Acer accidentally got caught in the crossfire of one of Gnock's missions, the nomad was severely injured by the cyborg nearly costing Acer his life, though it wasn't Gnock's intentions. Ever since Acer has been vowing to get revenge for the disfiguring scars and missing limb caused by his youngest brother.




A renown Fixer, Nebula has many connections in the criminal underworld. She and Gnock meet many years ago when they both were still teens and fell in love. They had a good relationship but due to their diverging paths and busy lives, they decided to break up though they did remain good friends and Gnock knows he can always rely on her if he needs to.

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