



Name Alphie Galaxias
Age 26
Height 6 ft 1 in | 185 cm
Species Stelite
Gender Demiboy
Oreint. Polysexual Uranic*
Pronouns He/Him | They/Them
Magic Type Technokenisis
Birthday March 7
Voice Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Academy) [sub]
Design Notes

  • Has letters of the alphabet scattered all over his milky-white hair.
  • Sometimes carries around a large spoon.
  • Has an LED screen over his right eye (left in our perspective). It projects animated icons, gifs, and can perform video calls.
  • Sheds alphabet tears.

Alphie is a cheeky troublemaking jerk. He acts innocent, but he can pack a punch with his words and actions. Life is nothing but a joke to laugh at, so he won't take bullshit from anyone nor give a damn about the drama they start with him. Alphie is nutorius for his passive-agressive speech despite being childish on the surface. He's one to poke fun at people for entertainment and (literally) smack some sense into them. He's pretty physical while socializing with others, much to their discomfort. He nudges, pokes, pinches, pats, and all that other shenanigans to bug others or act buddy-buddy to those he likes. It's not easy to tell when he is joking or being sincere. The line blurs there, but Alphie is not heartless.

He holds a vulnerable side that is kept private, mostly around Deloris. Ever since he has taken them under his care, Alphie has beared a parent-like side in him when his loved ones are feeling unwell. He speaks with gentle care and will offer his hospitality if it helps make someone feel better. He remains adding some silliness to his character in attempts to lift up the mood a little, but he knows when a situation needs to be serious. Alphie will be there to anyone that needs an open ear or a helping hand. He will not tolerate being mooched off of nor having his kindness taken advantage of once he finds out. He is quick to grow cold and blacklist those people who abuse his charity. He'll warn others not to trust them so his friends and loved one don't fall under those same manipulative schemes.


  • He can communicate, emphasize, activate/deactivate, travel/warp into, spy, gain information, and (to an extent) control smart devices. His powers are useless when he is asleep, when there is poor Wi-Fi connection, or when there's an absence of electrocity.
  • When angry, he smiles and laughs passive-aggressively.
  • His giant silver spoon serves as his sub-weapon and a food sampler. He treats it like a staff in combat.
  • Is the kind of person to say "just kidding" after saying something rude, but doesn't always mean it.
  • Gets jumpy when people go touch his computer without his permission. He will ask them to use the guest account if they wish to use it.
  • Often uses idioms, hyperboles, and outlandish similes in his speech to express himself or criticize others discreetly.
  • Wears clothes and accessories that include kidcore themes, nostalgic cartoon characters, bold colors, mismatched and light-up socks.
  • Finds amusement keeping people on edge. He'll ask questions and cut off stories to leave people hanging.
  • If you ask him to help you on a game, kiss your controller goodbye. He'll practically play the entire game for you if you don't stop him.
  • Eating cereal dry is a sin. He will deny your existance if you eat cereal without milk in the bowl (or cup).
  • It's a guilty pleasure for him to visit old-school arcades.
  • Quick to talk smack to people that disrespect him. He doesn't take bullshit lightly.
  • He is the online store manager of Deloris' business.
  • *Alphie is attracted to men and non-feminine nonbinarys.



  • Happycore Music
  • Collecting Toys
  • Arcade Games
  • Cartoons

  • Chatterboxes
  • Doing Paperwork
  • Unsweetened Cereals
  • Misuse of Technology
  • Grammar Nazis

Deloris | Significant Other

He serves as a guide for Deloris and a loyal boyfriend. Alphie helps them run their business and monitors their overall well-being. He does his best to show them joy on Earth, but it gets conflicting when he falls into depressive episodes through them. He masks his misery through laughter and pulls himself together to prove Deloris his strength. They are not allowed to die under his watch.

Boba | Frenemy

They were fair friends from the start. He got to know her through Deloris. Ever since Deloris and Boba broke up, Alphie has been rather passive-aggressive around her. He would pick fun at her to make her mad and claim they were just jokes. Her presence pisses him off, but he pretends she did nothing wrong towards Deloris and act like good ol' Stelite pals.

Ophelia | Friend

He met her through Boba, who reccommended to see her at a time Deloris was giving him emotional stress. While he no longer kept up with his past yoga courses, the two became good friends. She's theraputic to be around, and he appreciates her support towards their online shop.

Jimmy | Friend


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