Basic Info

Prize Crop:



Kind, Sure of Herself, Awkwardly charming,

Fashion Style:

Normcore Mori, Muted color scheme, Modernized Retro,

Top Three Arcana:

The Hanged Man, The Star, Wheel of Fortune

Important Design Features:

Gap in Front Teeth, Center Part, Short cropped hair with undercut, Thick Eyebrows, Lopsided smile, Swimmer's body


Ex-Varsity Swimmer and Hospital Lab technician. She's a big believer in Companion Planting to maximize the efficiency of a garden!

Strengths: Friendly, Thoughtful, Swimming, Endurance,
Weaknesses: Somewhat oblivious, Self-Punishes (brings up bad old memories etc to torture self), Time Blindness,
Her Garden: Squash, Zucchini, Pumpkin, Strawberries, Herb window planters, Peppers, Spinach, Marigolds,
Her Neighbors: LEFT: A rotating group of College roommates who are considerate most of the time like when they help her with her yard work while she's out, but when they throw kegsters with their whole school and then some, they can be very irritating. Especially when their party leaks over into Sawyer's yard. Currently there's 5 Hockey bros and their botany major friend. RIGHT: The new neighbor, Sawyer's excited to get to know her and maybe trade tips on their gardens. She's stunning, and there aren't that many single non-parents in her neighborhoods, so Sawyer can finally (maybe) make a friend that doesn't 3rd wheel her or ask her to babysit. ACROSS: Beckie's deceptively friendly but Sawyer wants nothing more than to hide whenever she sees Beckie on the prowl for her next victim. She calls herself a Multi-Level Marketing Freelancer, but everyone in the neighborhood knows she's in some Avon/Melaleuca/Tupperware/whatever else Pyramid Scheme and Sawyer wants no part of it.
Aesthetics: Vampire, Modern Day, Suburbs, Backyard Garden, Neighborhood life, Bee-keeping,
Playlist: Suddenly I See - KT Tunstall In Color - Fyfe Ophelia - Lumineers Stolen Dance - Milky Chance  The Island: You'll Not Feel the Drowning - The Decembrists cover by Horizon Our Own House - MisterWives I Miss Those Days - The Bleachers How to Rest - The Crane Wives Solar Powered - Fulton Lee Oom Sha La La - Haley Heynderickx My Love Mine All Mine - Mitski