Dian (Starfelle)



4 years, 9 months ago



"Second Class Private Dian at your service~....."

Name: Dian
Nicknames: None yet.
Age: About 21
Birthday: 01/01/2097 (Setting is +100 years in the future)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Race: Slime
Origin: Blushmoon Beach
Height: 5'5"/ 165 cm
Build: Lean
Rank: Medic
Demeanor: Happy

Demon Abilities

Dian is a holy demon, which means he can manipulate light. With varying intensity, he can emmit light, in order to for example illuminate a path in the dark or flash others, to blind them temporary. He's also capable of healing others, however compared to his other powers and his own body regeneration, those are rather weak and cost him a lot of stamina, depending on how severe the injury/sickness is. After he got bonded he learned how to create a shield of light, that reminds a bit of a snail house. So far it can only take very few hits before it shatters into sparkles.


His look is mostly based on the one of a sea slug mainly this one:


Beneath his eyes he got some scales like the one of a fish. He got pale skin, the front of his torso is translucent and his organs glow.

  • being together with his love and friends
  • fishing
  • cleaning
  • singing
  • fighting
  • content
  • content
  • content

Use this section to write whatever you want - background, story summary, personality summary. It's a blank box for your content. It will scroll when filled.

Nearby Blushmoon Beach, deep underwater a pink little blob was born. Most of its life it's been living an oblivious life, unaware of anything that happened above the surface. Its only goal had been to stay alive, there was nothing else that mattered, no one else that mattered. Forever it had been alone, so there was no way it could have learned it any other way.

One day, when it was fetching a tiny fish, it got too close to the surface and due to its small size, it didn't need a big wave to get it washed up on the beach. The world was... different. AND SCARY. For some reason, there were several people, dressed in grey on the beach and they were... gathering... as it seemed they already had captured a couple of creatures. Some were familiar to the pink slime others it never saw before... The blob was afraid, but it's fine, it's okay, it would just hop back into the water before anyone realized, yet just as it leaped, it was captured in a bottle.

A stoic looking ISCA member, the others were calling him Dr. Weiss examined his catch. Attempting to escape it bounced against the walls, more and more frantically, but it was no use. All it did was exhausting itself and make the man smirk amused. This prison wasn't made of anything it could break or consume. It was no longer free. The pink slime was now the property of ISCA.

Upon arriving at the base the test subject got the label D14N-53K3W34L, they simply called him Dian for short. They've been taking samples of his blood and goo. They tested how much pressure he could endure, studied the slime... aka they poked, squeezed and watched him a lot. What little resistance he showed was broken soon. Being obedient has proven to be far more beneficial to him, so he started to cooperate. If he was a good slime he got fed, sparsely, but it was better than nothing. Because he behaved and they've discovered any kind of weakness he had, but also his usefulness, instead of a test subject he became a student first, then an assistant and later a full-fledged medic.
