


4 years, 8 months ago


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An artificially created creature. Its eye is a gemstone of sorts, and the source of its life. If its eye gets separated from its body, it will cease to move, but it can be "revived" at any time by returning the eye to its socket.

It was originally created to be a scout of sorts; its small body can easily maneuver different environments very quietly, its eye can see a very wide area, and its antennae can feel faint vibrations in the air to detect movement.

It can't speak and primarily squeaks in a high frequency to relay information in a morse-code like manner.

However, Gihago is a stupid baby who ended up wandering off somewhere it wasn't supposed to and got its eye knocked out for several hundreds of years, until someone* discovered it, helped clean its body and eye from accumulated dirt and moss, and put it back together again. Gihago forgot its purpose, and just ends up trailing along with its new master like a little baby chick to its mother.

*The identity of the person who discovered Gihago is still undecided at this time.. Might make a new character for Gihago's master one day.