


4 years, 8 months ago


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A parasaurolophus dragon who can turn into a semi-human form. He carries around a staff, which he can also use to fight. He enjoys sparring and play fighting with others, but can fight seriously when necessary.

He's a gay flirt, and prefers larger, older men. He prefers to be intimate with others in his humanoid form.

He prefers to sleep in his true form, but enjoys sleeping on beds the most. His true form is much larger and heavier, so it's a frustrating dilemma for him to find soft bedding that can support him properly. He enjoys adventuring, traveling the world by his wings, and likes to fly in the rain the most.

He switches to his humanoid form when speaking to others, as it's easier to speak human language with a human mouth (and easier to seduce others in that body as well). When in his true form, he can't voice words properly and can only roar and groan and whine as an animal would, but still fully maintains his intelligence.