Sugar and Pastelle



4 years, 8 months ago


Sugar (and Pastelle)

Female . She/They


Happy . Fun . Silly

 "You can't go wrong with cake!."


 Species: Sugary Bunny With A Candy Tailmouth
 Role: Lok-E's silly little sister
 MBTI: unknown
 Orientation: Unknown
 Sign: unknown
 Alignment: Chaotic Good
 Flower: unknown
 Theme: Candy Candy


  • Playing
  • Drawing
  • Sweets


  • Water
  • Bugs
  • Vegetables


Sugar is a sugary bunny from Cosmosis with a candy tailmouth named Pastelle, a tail made of hard, and gummy candy with a mind of its own. She's part candy monster like her father Jasper, but something happened one day and she lost him. Lok-E found her sitting outside crying when she was really little, and asked her what was wrong. When she explained, they both went looking for her dad, but they never did find him. Some say that he was killed in an accident, after that Lok-E offered to take care of her, and she accepted. Now she considers him her big brother, and he always looks after her. She loves drawing, and sometimes doodles on her big brother Lok-E's cape. It sometimes annoys him, but he doesn't usually mind too much. Like her big brother, she also enjoys playing tricks on others, and eating sweets. Because she's part candy monster unlike most people, eating sweets is actually good for her. She hates how vegetables taste, and they're really bad for her and Pastelle. She also hates water because it makes her feel sticky (like if you got candy wet). She hasn't discovered her magic type yet, but she hopes that she has Chaos magic like her big brother. Unlike Sugar, Pastelle is actually mute and can't talk. While she lost her father, she's never known her mother and doesn't know who she is. Despite this, she doesn't mind too much and is content being with her big brother Lok-E.

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