West Virginia



4 years, 8 months ago


Name: West Virginia (Kawawa)

Gender: Male

Became state: 1863


Vary down to earth. Works as a coal miner for most of he's life. Lives in the mountains and never wants to see a large body of water. Sucks at naming things and as a hard time making up he's mind. But loves elk and deer, and wishes elk would still be in he's land.

Wants to be called Kawawa. Because he hates Virginia somewhat still. Though after WW1 it went from hating him to standing him. Before the civil war they got along so well, like brothers (Cuz they are) but that ended, given the fact Virginia more or less tried to kill him. Kentucky and him do get along though.

Nevada and him are great friends. Florida too. Their a fun group to say the least. Though West Virginia stays quite a lot and let's the crazy cats do their thing.