
4 years, 7 months ago


Here (Lucian Remix)

"I dunno, buzz?"

name: Bee
nickname: Queen Bee, Honeybee
age: 24
pronouns: she/her
race: shapeshifter (human/dragon/dog)
orientation: aroace
relationship status: self-love
occupation: recovering misanthropist

Bee's origins are that of a knight. Her duty is to protect, to watch from the sidelines until she is needed. She is strong of wit and will, but not of body. She can't gain control when Cat is paying attention, so she has to resort to... other methods when she wants something done.

Bee is human, first and foremost, but if she had her way she'd be in her drake form 100% of the time.


Bee is a 'recovering pessimist', as she would put it. Bee struggled with raging misanthropy for many years. After growing up, she realized that condemning all of humanity (including herself!) was unhelpful and a depressing way to view life. She is filled with a deep distrust of the world and people around her. There are very few who Bee will let her guard down around, Cat and Narrator and Meek being the main ones. A relaxed Bee can be seen joking around and being almost as goofy as Cat.

Bee is prone to outbursts of anger, mostly directed at herself and Cat. She is slowly learning to be kinder to herself and her partner, but she lapses into rage if she's tired or overstimulated.


  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Power
  • Nature
  • Solitude
  • The Dystopian Nightmare That Is The United States
  • Fear
  • Lack of Control

  • Bee's design is basically what I used to look like when I had straight hair.
  • Bee is associated with red because Cat, her other half, is blue, and purple is my favorite color.
  • Bee's realm is light blue and covered red trees. They are Tulip Poplars, though I rarely draw them as such.
  • Bee is the one writing Demons.
Design Notes

  • Pupils only sometimes visible
  • No bust
  • Keeps the jacket as a drake

Link to detailed reference...

In Bee's default human design, she wears a red hoodie with a capital B on it. The hoodie has pockets and a hood, but she only really uses the pockets. She wears jeans only-- no shorts for sensory reasons. She has dark shoes. Her glasses are large and round.

In her drake form, Bee keeps her hair, glasses, and hoodie. Her horns hook over the crown of her skull. Her inner mouth is turquoise in this state, and she can breathe fire. She does not wear pants, and has a long velvety tail the same color as her hair. Her ears are long and tufted, and they always point backwards.

She has a dog form to mirror Cat's-- equipped with a red collar and red paws, but it's too feral for her tastes. She prefers being a biped overall.



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Cat headmate

Bee loves Cat so much it scares her. She's extremely protective of Cat, and tries her best to keep her safe. Cat is her own worst enemy, and Bee struggles to not be irritated at her for things beyond her control. They had a period of constant arguing, but over time (and with a little help from Narrator) began to properly trust and work with each other to get things done.

Narrator headmate

Bee used to be jealous of Narrator due to her keeping the peace between Cat and Bee-- she was always the good cop. However, she recognizes how important Narrator's contributions were to their eventual reconciliation.

Bee sometimes forgets about Narrator, and feels bad about it.

Meek headmate

Bee was initially wary of Meek, as she is nonverbal and prone to bouts of anger. After a while of her being around, it became clear that Meek is a fellow protector by keeping all of the gang's anxiety for herself. Bee feels protective of Meek as well due to this, and does her best to accommodate the bear.

Design Notes

  • Shorter Hair
  • Jacket just a little too big
  • Shorter tail & horns

As a little lady, Bee wears mostly the same clothes-- which means her classic hoodie is a little too big! She's very shy, and lacks the ability to transform without help from Cat.

To show that she is still developing, young Bee's hoodie is paler than her adult form's.
