free's Comments

If still available, could I take these two? I promise I'll keep them together ^^

you already know there names I mostly have a spot for them in story 

small info

Faer and Linus were offered a large amount of cash in a job that sounded easy, Faer led the way his fur blowing in the wind, as his buddy Linus was close behind a bit shyer and timid, a grown man with teal eyes and dark green hair, who was a bit dirty and had on a blood red shirt on and a dirty white lab coat over it, (this guy

met them half way, Faer was snarling a little having a bad feeling about this guy, Xavier assured them that there’s nothing to fear and kinda roughly grabbed Faer’s arm and literally pulled the kitsune along with him, Linus grabbed Faer’s other hand scared about loosing his friend.

eventually Xavier arrived at a huge meta building laboratory all three walked in but very shortly were standing at another metal door Xavier tightened his grip, as a strange human being walked out into view, one of his eyes looked like a demons his other eye was yellow, has black hair and a black shirt on and a lab coat over it. (This guy

he snuck up and grabbed Linus by the wrist tightly so tight that it kinda hurt, he pulled him away from the kitsune hard. When they were a few feet away from one another. He insured them that they’ll see one another again and that being separated is part of the job. With that Xavier and Skikje went separate ways.

(Not going to say anything else as I don’t want to give spoilers) 

I'm still not 100% certain I want to get rid of these two yet (I'm actually rather attached) but I'll definitely keep you in mind if I fully decide to let them go! <3 

Alright thanks for letting me know ^^

May I please adopt them if they’re available?