Teki Turner



4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Teki Turner

Age: unknown (young twenties)

Personality: fairly quiet, resourceful, cold, distant, efficient,

Traits: kinda Germaphobic and clean freak (always wears gloves), doesn't enjoy being close to people gets on edge and nervous when people are very close

Job: Secretary for a business man, also has a hitman job of taking out whoever the boss needs taken out

Will occasionally take some other side jobs when asked

- always wears the mask for reasons unknown to everyone else

- Is rather short so always wears platform shoes. 5'4". With shoes 5'8"

- Surprising has a very clear voice even with the mask on

- Handwriting is very nice and a bit curly and enjoys writing in calligraphy.

- Has a grand collection of gloves that get swapped out quite often.

- Doesn't eat in public

- Doesn't show emotions in voice very often  

- Has other masks but usually doesn't use them