Durion ([Awakened Ashes])


Basic Info

Class || Lvl

Rouge/Assassin || 10


[[ Last Updated 05/23/23 ]]


Durion is very reserved. Conversations with him can come off as awkward and monotone. He doesn't usually like talking unless he has to and does his best to not stand out. Things like sarcasm and jokes often go over his head, and are taken literally. Some social norms are also lost on him as well. His upbringing left a scar on his personality, or lack thereof, and it takes a lot of time for it to come out. Durion does not show his emotions willingly, and any emotion that he shows is usually a very strong one.
Opening up to people is a very hard thing for Durion to do. It takes a long time for him to warm up to someone enough to carry on casual conversation.

Alignment: Neutral


  • Being comfortable in his new home:
    • Durion came to the surface to find answers he could not find in the Underdark. Since that time he has never felt at home. The surface is better in some regards to where he came from, but also feels like a different kind of prison at times. He hopes that one day he can feel at ease.
  • Bettering Himself:
    • After befalling countless of his own kind, Durion tired of the infighting in his community. It was promised that Drow were better than all other races, and worship of Lolth would lead them to it. But all Durion saw was others killing for rank and not the betterment of civilization. Durion left the Underdark in hopes to better himself above the infighting. He is not sure where the choice will lead him, but it has to be better than where he came, right?


  • Being found by his fellow Drows
    • Drow on the surface are few, and ones of similar 'free' mindset are fewer. Durion fears running into another Drow that will be able to link him back to his hive and accuse him of being a traitor. Mention of any Drow on the surface puts him on edge. 
  • Driders
    • A deep seeded fear. One of the most shameful punishments to befall a Drow that fail Lolth. Durion wants nothing to do with them. They remind him of what could befall him if he was accused to be a traitor.
  • Guards and security:
    • Most just make him nervous. He fears that if they find out what he is they won't ask questions and will be run out of town, captured, or worse.



  • Chip (Partner): A Tiefling with excellent fighting skills, and a fiery spirit. Chip is someone Durion heavily relies on. He is his partner both in life and in crime. He is quick to learn, and Durion helped him hone his skills in the art of thievery. Knowing that they have each other's back makes the surface that much more traversable. 
    • "I want to make him happy. I will outlive him by many life times, but if I can make sure he smiles. It's worth it."
  • Ciana: An Asamar woman who's struggles with reveling herself are similar to Durion. Durion respects Ciana greatly. She is a trustworthy companion and a powerful fighter. He does wish that she wouldn't trust so easily, but her view of everyone having good in them can be refreshing against his own distain for new faces.
    • "She is a beam of light in the best and worst ways. I do wish she'd put on clothes before walking out of her tent, though." 
  • Whitestar: A small Tabaxi cat man. Durion trusted Whitestar pretty quickly. His adoptive father also being a Drow helped in that regard. He finds his eagerness to just be out an about in the world similar to his hunt for understanding. 
    • "His small compact size makes travel very easy. I also find his little outfits amusing... Where does he keep them all?"
  • Gaspial: A strange human. Seems to be not from this realm. Durion trusts him enough to put up with him, but isn't certain. His main goal is to return home, which Durion can relate to. Hasn't had enough time to get to know him yet.
    • "His blue hair is very loud. Perhaps he should invest in a hood." 
  • Volanti: Durion's pet Omukade. Durion cares deeply for the creature and believes it has been a blessing in travel. However, his growing size has become a bit of an issue. He is starting to notice more adult tendencies and is harder to control. None the less, he tries to accommodate it the best he can.
    • "I see a bit of me in him. He's in a world he doesn't understand. Taken from where he came from."
    • After starting their job for the Collector, Durion quickly realized traveling with him was becoming a bit cumbersome. He purchased an item to help with that, however, Volanti didn't take to it too well, and Durion fears he betrayed his trust.
  • Gnar: A loud mouthed Dwarf. During their early travels Durion formed a close bond with Gnar. However, he wished that he'd keep his mouth shut about him being a Drow. It got them into quite a few scraps that could have been avoided.
    • "I'm sad to see him leave, but I wish him the best. I will miss our banter. Though I could never tell him that. He'd relish it too much.
    • Gnar ended up leaving after Lassel, and left a bit of a hole in Durion's heart. He had begun to rely on him like a brother, but understood where they were going was more than he wanted.
  • Dust: A scholarly Tiefling. Durion liked Dust. She was open minded and witty. She always seemed to have a quirky idea for any situation. Her desire to free her mother was a noble one. 
    • "I sometimes wonder how she is doing. With the war going on fear the worst."
    • Dust left the group to pursue education again. With the whispers of war on the horizon, Durion fears for her safely, but understood her decision.  


  • The Collector: The cosmic employer. Durion has mixed feelings on working for him. The pay is good, and the promise of protection in his towns is welcome. However, he sees him for what he is. A higher being. One that people worship and sacrifice for. It makes him uneasy. 
    • "I realize that we are collecting items to grow his strength. I want to believe he has a good heart, but in the end a being of that power is the same as the others."


  • Other Drows (Unknown): Durion is unsure if his disappearance from the Underdark prompted any questions about his loyalty to Lolth or his hive, or if people just thought he died. To his knowledge he left without his faith being questioned. However, the fear of other Drow being on the surface for their own selfish gain weighs on Durion. He is constantly keeping his eyes open because if they learn about him before he learns about them, it could be trouble.


  • Thieves Guild: Durion took up work for the Thieves Guild while on the surface. It was the best way for him to get money and keep a low profile.


Physical Strength: Average
Coordination/Reflexes: Fast
Fighting Style: Defensive. Dodging around enemy attacks to get a hit in, or hiding and waiting for a good shot.
Unusual Abilities/Powers: Superior Darkvision | Affinity with Spiders
Weapons/Other Gear: Bow | Daggers | Mask of Light Protection
Weapon of Choice: Dagger of Venom  
Intelligence Level: Average
Strengths: Attacking from the shadows or distracted enemies.
Weaknesses: Going head to head with a strong enemy.

Storyline/ History/ Background

Original Name: Aaravos Darkroot (Abandoned)
Nickname/Child Name: Aar (Abandoned)
New Name: Durion (Means ‘Dark Elf’ in Elvish. Given to him by the Coworkers)

Birthday: 11 / 11/ 2,090 AD

     After years of training and working with Chip, the boy stumbled upon a woman by the name of Ciana. She had apparently been 'captured' and wandered off. She belonged to a religious group and looked to return. After some convincing, that the area wasn't too far away, and she remembered the location, Durion agreed they could help her return home. Leaving the safety of Mytilus, for the promise of reward, they ventured out.

     However, that was years ago. One thing led to another and they suddenly became an adventuring party with a Dwarf man, named Gnar and a Tiefling woman, named Dust. They started to do odd jobs together and travel across the region. Durion still wonders to this day if Ciana even knows where they are going any more, but the original mission is now far off the radar. Their travels lead them to Lassel where they had to take down a tyrant called the Commodore. After the battle Gnar and Dust opted to leave the group to pursue other goals they had. 

     Before leaving Lassel they teamed up with Whitestar who had helped in the battle and could also be of use with the relic the obtained from the body of the Commodore. A Blood Diamond. They decided to travel back to the main land, but on the way were visited by an entity called The Collector. He urged them to find him at his Bazaar and inquire about work.  

    The party took the entity up on the offer and traveled to the Nendarth Bazaar. Durion had begun to hear whispers of war on the horizon from his contacts in the thieves guild. Nervous of what this could mean for their travels ahead, they pressed on. Upon arriving to the Bazaar, they met Gaspial, a man from another world looking for a way home through employment of the Collector. 

     Before they could meet their new employer, chaos broke out. War had sprung between Nothill and Earendil. Forcing the Collector to try to combine his other Bazaars into one to save the people. The party witnessed the fall of the other lands through the portals that opened. They tried to help the people to safety, until the Collector himself calmed the madness. After all was said and done, the party agreed to work for the Collector and made preparations to gather the Diamonds for him.

     However, Durion felt uneasy working for a being of higher power, and delivering the items to grant him more strength. He went with the group he called his family out of necessity. The fear of war itching in the back of his head. A feeling of dread in his gut.

ReligionSemi/Ex Lolth Follower
Beliefs: Durion believes that there is something greater for the Drows, but following Lolth's design is counterproductive. 
Medical History: None
Language(s): Common | Undercommon | Elvish | Thieves Can't
Short Term Goals: Finding out what this Blood Diamond is.
Long Term Goals: Sustaining his own survival.

  • Survival - Above all else, Durion’s primal instinct to survive drives him.
  • Curiosity - While survival drove Durion out of the Underdark, so did a curiosity. A desire to know if the grass really was greener. Now that he is on the surface he wants to understand his new home.
  • Can’t go back - Regardless of why he left the Underdark. All Durion knows now is that he can’t go back. Too many questions would be asked, and his faith questioned.

Song Representations

Masks | Fading Light | Mordred's Lullaby | AC Rogue Song