Durion ([The Untouchables])


Basic Info

Class || Lvl

Rogue/Assassin || Lvl 15


[[ Last Updated 06/01/23 ]]


Durion has grown a bit in trying to interact with people. However, he still doesn't like strangers and is rather reclusive. Conversations with him can come off as awkward and monotone. The art of jokes and sarcasm are difficult to grasp, and occasionally he tries to 'lighten the mood' with a very off putting statement to try to blend in. He often tries to mimic some social norms, but will usually get them wrong. His upbringing left a scar on his personality, or lack thereof, and it takes a lot of time for it to come out.
Traveling with his companions is the most 'relaxed' he'll ever be. If you can call it that. 

Alignment: Neutral


  • Being comfortable in his new home:
    • Durion came to the surface to find answers he could not find in the Underdark. Since that time he has never felt at home. The surface is better in some regards to where he came from, but also feels like a different kind of prison at times. He hopes that one day he can feel at ease.
  • Bettering Himself:
    • After befalling countless of his own kind, Durion tired of the infighting in his community. It was promised that Drow were better than all other races, and worship of Lolth would lead them to it. But all Durion saw was others killing for rank and not the betterment of civilization. Durion left the Underdark in hopes to better himself above the infighting. He is not sure where the choice will lead him, but it has to be better than where he came, right?
  • Understanding:
    • Coming to Olithid and witnessing Lolth's messages resurfaced questions in Durion's brain. 'Why was she here? Does she know he questioned her way? Why did she reach out to him?' That and all the things he questioned back in his hive. He had the chance to ask her, but the price of bowing to a deity again was too much. Or perhaps he felt fear from his past again.


  • Being found by his fellow Drows
    • Drow on the surface are few, and ones of similar 'free' mindset are fewer. Durion fears running into another Drow that will be able to link him back to his hive and accuse him of being a traitor. Mention of any Drow on the surface puts him on edge. 
  • Driders
    • A deep seeded fear. One of the most shameful punishments to befall a Drow that fail Lolth. Durion wants nothing to do with them. They remind him of what could befall him if he was accused to be a traitor.
  • Guards and security:
    • Most just make him nervous. He fears that if they find out what he is they won't ask questions and will be run out of town, captured, or worse.
  • Being Alone Again:
    • Finding people to trust is hard, and Durion has finally found ones that he can rely on. Losing them would be a devastating blow to Durion, especially this far from a now war torn homeland and any thing familiar. 



  • Chip (Partner): Partner in crime and companion for life. Durion has come to rely on Chip most of all. The rest of the party has dispersed, but Chip has always been. In these new lands he is relieved that he is still by his side. He cares very deeply for the tiefling, though it is hard to show. If anything happened to him, his heart would break.
    • "I almost lost him. I don't think I've ever felt that pain before."
    • During the fight with the Litch, Chip fell in battle. Any uncertainties Durion had for their partnership vanished as he'd was ready to plead to the very Gods for him to return. Thankfully, Whitestar saved him.
  • Whitestar: A small Tabaxi cat man. Durion's trust for Whitestar has grown greater throughout their travels. Hence why he agreed to help him find his family. That and Chip seemed really excited to go. 
    • "He needs to stop eating strange things. He comes to regret it every time."
    • Whitestar can be a bit impulsive at times. Making Durion a bit nervous, but makes up for it with his 'can do' attitude. He hopes he can one day find his missing family, and be the powerful wizard he aspires to be.


  • George: A very large skeleton man that works at the Bare Bones Inn. Durion quiet likes him. He maked a good meat pie and is friendly. 
  • Thirsty (Tursigh): An air genasi bard. He's been hanging around the group with interest in finding Patchtail. Durion find's him a bit annoying, but not a threat. 


  • Other Drows (Unknown): While Durion is sure his old hive is far behind him, he is still wary of other Drow. Some encounters, such as the Drow Litch that called him 'brother', is still enough to keep him on edge. 


  • Thieves Guild in Olithid: Durion took up work for the Thieves Guild while on the in Olithid. It seemed like the best way to be informed while in this new land.


Physical Strength: Average
Coordination/Reflexes: Fast
Fighting Style: Defensive. Dodging around enemy attacks to get a hit in, or hiding and waiting for a good shot.
Unusual Abilities/Powers: Superior Darkvision | Affinity with Spiders
Weapons/Other Gear: Mask of Light Protection | Cloak of Arachnida
Weapon of Choice: Dagger of Venom | Spider's Eye
Intelligence Level: Average
Strengths: Attacking from the shadows or distracted enemies.
Weaknesses: Going head to head with a strong enemy.

Storyline/ History/ Background

Original Name: Aaravos Darkroot (Abandoned)
Nickname/Child Name: Aar (Abandoned)
New Name: Durion (Means ‘Dark Elf’ in Elvish. Given to him by the Coworkers)

Birthday: 11 / 11/ 2,090 AD

     While trying to help the Collector, Whitestar got word from old family, Patchtail, and wished to seek them out. Chip jumped at the idea of exploring a new land, and Durion was thankful for an excuse to politely turn down the job ahead of them. They said their farewells to the party that wished to remain and headed to a land called Olithid. Durion's heart was heavy. Saying goodbye to Ciana was the hardest, but he was thankful to not get swept up into war time in Vaatsewuth.

    Upon arriving Whitestar, Chip, and Durion made contact with an undead town called Carnifur. Searching for information there, the learned that people were going missing. Upon investigation the party learned that the mayor was a Drow Litch that was stealing souls. He had captured many entities in stone, one being Lolth. He was defeated by the group, but not without casualties. Chip had fallen in battle, but was revived again by Whitestar. Disposing of the Litch's Phylactery, Durion saw and heard messages from Lolth offering him to be her champion. However, Durion denied. 

     Later the encounter brewed confliction in Durion. Questions bubbling in his brain about his old God, and past conflictions he had about his Underdark home. However, his own fear kept in that the God was now loose. What did that mean for him? Was he in danger? Or was she benign and indifferent to him as Gods usually are? These thoughts didn't have to plague him long, as soon the group was on the move again after an encounter with a treasure stealing warlock, and a tummy ache.

     Word had come to them that there was a contact in a town called Ralelenor. A man named Tursigh had come into contact with Patchtail. The group made their way there and to the Thieves' Guild. After passing the trial given to them by the guild they gained access to their recourses and obtained a mysterious map with locations on it. Making contact with Tursigh the party agreed to have him travel with them to gain more insight of the land and find Patchtail. 

     After a bit of down time, and preparations needed to traverse Olithid again, the group took up a job to help some historians locate objects of importance to them. They traveled to Shimera. Immediately something felt off about the place. No one that lived there new of the rumored dragon attacks that befell the area, and bore a 5 pointed crown on their heads. Meeting up their their quarry, the group learned that a Black Dragon guarded the items they sought. 

ReligionSemi/Ex Lolth Follower
Beliefs: Durion believes that there is something greater for the Drows, but following Lolth's design is counterproductive. 
Medical History: None
Language(s): Common | Undercommon | Elvish | Thieves Can't
Short Term Goals: Finding out what this Blood Diamond is.
Long Term Goals: Sustaining his own survival.

  • Survival - Above all else, Durion’s primal instinct to survive drives him.
  • Curiosity - While survival drove Durion out of the Underdark, so did a curiosity. A desire to know if the grass really was greener. Now that he is on the surface he wants to understand his new home.
  • Can’t go back - Regardless of why he left the Underdark. All Durion knows now is that he can’t go back. Too many questions would be asked, and his faith questioned.

Song Representations

Masks | Fading Light | Mordred's Lullaby | AC Rogue Song