


4 years, 8 months ago


My character based on this group:


Name: Nightfeather

Prefix reasoning - his dark fur

Suffix reasoning - his obsession with bird skeletons and feathers

• Clan: MoonClan

• Age: 30 moons

• Rank: Medicine Cat

• Gender: Male 

• Voice: I headcanon him having a slight russian accent. His voice is somewhere between mid and deep range.

• Voice Claim: Enzo (Tom Wlaschiha)  - Stranger Things


• Description: Has an overall black pelt through his Melanism (increased  development of the dark-colored pigment melanin). Though he has a few white hairs on his chin, elbows, ears, his tail and under his eyes. If the sun shines on his fur though you can still see a few spots shining through the black pelt. His eyes color is blue.

• Species: Jaguar (Panther)

• Fur Length: His fur is rather short, which is typical for jaguars. He has longer fur on his elbows and neck, the last giving him the look as if he had a little mane.

• Fur Texture: He has really soft fur.

• Physique: Since he doesn't train often and most of the time only goes out of camp for medicine cat business or to take a little walk around the territory, he isn't as strong as his other Clan members. But he has good stamina and is as fast as any MoonClan cat.

• Scars or defects: He is blind on both eyes and his left ear is notched.


Character name | Owners name

• Sexual Orientation: Asexual

• Romantic Orientation : He was never in love so far, so he isn't sure himself but he also doesn't think that he is Aromantic.

[Personality Traits:]

intelligent, calm, honesty | loyal, contemplative, dutiful | quickly annoyed, argumentative, serious

He is most of the time really calm and quiet. His duties as a medicine cat come always first for him and he has also a good connection to their ancestors. After his duties he will sometimes sit or lie somewhere in camp and sink into his thoughts. Though he also gets annoyed pretty quickly if some cat comes to him with an injury that could have been easily prevented or was after his opinion cause only through stupid behavior. If that happens he can get pretty grumpy with his patient. That's also why he doesn't like unnecessary battles. He is always honest and if he doesn't agrees with something you can be sure that he will speak up for himself and lets his opinion be known.
Because of his blindness he has to rely on his clan mates if he has to swim through one of the deeper rivers to fetch some herbs. Though otherwise he has not much problems with orienting himself, at least in known territory. Sometimes some cats don't really believe that he is blind though, since he can stare you right into your eyes when talking to you, especially if he is annoyed with you at the moment.
His long neck fur if often joked about from EarthClan, since some of their young male apprentices manes look exactly like his neckfur. Though he just ignores them since a long time.

• Likes: walks through the territory, bird skeletons and feathers, his necklace

• Dislikes: swimming, unnecessary fights and injuries, arrogant members of EarthClan

• Strengths: good senses, great healing skills and a great bond to their ancestors

• Weaknesses: blindness, isn't really strong, gets sometimes lost in thoughts

[Character History:]

• Kithood: At the beginning of his live he felt pretty normal. He didn't know that others could see, which he couldn't do. After his parents noticed it though they began to get overprotective of him and he didn't understand it at all. Even his siblings began treating him differently. He knew now that others could see the things he smelled, feeled and tasted but he  didn't thought of it as something that could restrict him. He began to lash out at his parents and siblings and spend most of the time away from them. He began to hide in the medicine cats den, because he liked all the smells there. After a while the medicine cat den became his everyday hiding spot. The medicine cat Cloverspeck began showing him some herbs and talking to him about their ancestors, showing him signs how he could feel that they communicated with him. He began to love the medicine cats work and also really liked being around Cloverspeck, since she treated him like a normal cat and didn't got overprotective. He got the first dream from their ancestors a half moon before his apprentice ceremony.

• Apprenticeship: He learned really fast all about herbs. Though he also became pretty self-conscious about his blindness, because of how huge the territory seemed now and he couldn't even get over the river at that moment since he was to afraid to cross it. That and his still overprotective family led to him also getting self-conscious about his healing skills and if he could even do this right if he didn't see anything. As his apprenticeship got on Cloverspeck had to work really hard to slowly build up his self esteem but was also really successful with it. She always encouraged him to do things on his own and speak up about his opinion, even if some might not agree with it. He slowly developed from a really self-conscious youngling to a confident grown tom. He began taking walks outside the camp, when he his duty was done. Sometimes while his walks he collected a few stones, sticks, feathers or skeletons he really liked or he somehow felt linked to.

• Medicinecathood: He was really proud of himself after getting his new name and being completely welcomed as a fully trained medicine cat from their ancestors. He liked his duties and also liked to talk and discuss about things with Cloverspeck. He always saw her as some kind of adoptive mother. So as the day of her dead was there he got really quiet and melancholic for a long time and often visited the place where her body was buried. On one day there lay an already dead bird on her grave when he visited again. He took it as a sign from her, that he shouldn't grieve over her anymore and instead enjoy his life and his duties again.  He took the bird and to stones he liked from near her grave to camp and began to make a necklace out of the skull, a few bones, the stones and a feather of the bird. He now wears this necklace most of the time, since he can always feel her nearby when he wears it. 

[Clan Info:]

(taken from the journals of the group)



Moonstrike, later Moonstar

First Medicine Cat


Who is in MoonClan

Jaguars and Tigers

Territory and General Information

Their land is known for being dense and wet, hidden from light, they use their skills to travel through water, and generally only come out at night. They usual fish for prey or ambush anything near water. They rely on strength over everything else. Their camp is in a cave hidden behind a waterfall. The Broken Land is were their gatherings and medicine cat meetings take place. The Closed woods are a place undiscovered yet by the Clans, dangers lie in it.


Prey list
buffalo, deer, goats, fish, turtles.
