
4 years, 2 months ago

A list of herbs which can be found on the island where MoonClan, SunClan and EarthClan live. (List made by Tangleoflies on deviantart. Taken from here, just to be sure I still have it somewhere if the stash is getting deleted someday: https://sta.sh/01j76nryk1dk)

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Name: Clawtree

scientific name: Uncaria tomentosa

Appearance: tall vines of Uña de Gato curve upwards around tree trunks, with tiny, twisted green thorns under the leaves

Usage: Chewed up roots, to be put on wounds or eaten

Effect: anti-inflammatory properties, and possibly fight viruses or bacteria

Name: Sun tree

scientific name: Bixa orellana

Appearance: tall shrub with bright red or yellow flowers, it's fruit is large spikey and red filled with seeds.

Usage: chewed up seeds, put on wounds or eaten

Effect: insect repellent

+ Usage: Chewed up leaves

Effect: treat fevers or speed up the healing of wounds, plus helps fight poison

Name: Hare leaf

scientific name: Piper aduncum

Appearance: A shrub with rough leaves

Usage: Chewed up leaves and eaten or put on wounds or scars

Effect:  helps with inflammation, body aches, or coughs, applied to wounds or  scars it can heal it faster. The leaves also have a numbing effect when  eaten or rubbed on wounds

Name: Star flower

scientific name:

Appearance: A plant with a large flower, normally red or yellow.

Usage: Chewed up roots

Effect: Helps stop bleeding

Name: Webs

scientific name: idk they're spider webs

Appearance: lIteraLLY A WEB

Usage: Placed on wounds

Effect: Stops bleeding

Name: Dead Vine

scientific name: Banisteriopsis caapi

Appearance: A large vine with small pink or white flowers

Usage: Chewed up vines and eaten

Effect: Allows you to speak to starclan or receive visions