


4 years, 7 months ago



  • full name Ethan Collins
  • age 24 y.o.
  • gender Male
  • species Half demon, NRE
  • height 173cm



Cunning, greedy, lively, direct, deviant


Young (half) demon boy just enjoying his life. Has been through some rough times but now he's happy. He's living with Bruce- mafia boss so he doesn't really work. Likes to meet new people.

! Important notes !

He's got long white eyelashes, and white eyebrows. Circles on the cheeks are optional so if they don't fit your stle just do him a regular blush ^^

body type slim/sporty

sexuality pansexual

sin lust

date of birth 7.12.1999

origin China/Underground

residence Underground

occupation none

status it's comlicated

Random facts

- He owns a portal gun he stole, so he can teleport to a pararel unicerse
- He's addicted to drugs
- He's a satyriasis (?)


  • money
  • adventures
  • dramas
  • changes


  • routine
  • the Underground
  • mentioning his parents

Childhood & teenage years

A child of a demon and human shouldn't exist, it's clearly forbidden and punished by death for both parents. Even though Ethan's parents (mom- a human and dad-a demon) decided to try. Ethan was born with no power but with such demon features as horns and tail. He has lived on Earth until his 5th birthday.

Ethan's father was found and before he got punished by death he teleported the boy to the Underground. He wanted his friend to take care of his son. It was too dangerous for Ethan to stay with his mother ‘cause he would be taken. His mum stayed on Earth, she ran away and didn’t get caught.

The “friend” of Ethan’s dad quickly got tired of a child that lively and naughty. When he was 7 he was sold to two pedophiles...

At the age of 10, he got help from a mom of his classmate, she helped him escape and let him live in her house. These 5 years were very pleasant for the boy but the woman has fallen ill and she didn't have enough money, so Ethan left. He couldn’t find a job as a minor, he also had to be as anonymous as he could ('cause he's a half-demon) but he really needed money so he decided to look for it in back alleys. That's how he ended up being a slut in Vincent's mafia.


4 years later he got tired of this type of life. He decided to get outta here and planned to steal a portal gun and move to another universe to start a new life.
[Portal guns are used by checkers- demons hired to control the stability of universes; stealing and using a portal gun is punished by death]
He had stolen one of the broken guns from the garbage. He tried to fix it but accidentally teleported himself into Tom’s house. Tom wanted to send him back to the administration but this would lead Ethan to death so he kept on disagreeing. After the man realized that the portal gun is stolen Ethan started to beg him for mercy and saving his life. Tom finally decided to keep it a secret after Tom found out that Ehtan is powerless.
Tom found Ethan a place to live- Bruce agreed to let him stay in his house for some time. They both really liked each other but Ethan prefers to keep it more open, like friends with benefits.


Bruce [ flatmate ]

Ethan didn't have any place to live so Tom asked Bruce if he can accept Ethan as his flatmate. They're living together since then. It's difficult to call this realationship friendship, it's strange, somehow romantic.


Tom [ friend ]

Ethan acidentally teleported to Tom and Matt's house 'cause he's been dealing with broken, stolen portal gun. Tom decided to spare him.


Matt [ friend ]

They're good friends, Matt helped him a lot when Ethan had huge problems.


Michael [ father ]

Ethan's dad died when he was 3. He's been condemned to death because of having a child with a human.

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