Ziti Strongroot



4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Ziti Strongroot
Type: Alt
Faction: The Exiles (Rogue)
Race: Aurin
Class/Path: Esper, soldier.
Occupation: Leader of the esper extremist group, the Hirnwood Brambles.
Motivation: The defeat of the Dominion on Nexus, and subjugation/weaponization of its own people against it.
Personality: Outwardly sweet but murderously stern. Quick to anger. Completely unyielding.
History Overview: Ziti was fighting on the front lines during the Ravaging of Arboria when she was skewered by a stalker and her fire team was captured. Pretending she was a gunner, they successfully hid her esper nature and she was taken alive with them off-world. Ziti and her fire team took their transport ship, but by then the order had already been given by Queen Myala to evacuate their home world.

Ziti came to liberate many captured espers, almost entirely Aurin. And she led them to form the Hirnwood Brambles. Today she's seen as an extremist even by most Exile forces, as her group acts completely extrajudicially and sees absolutely no shades of grey in the fight against the Dominion. They have taken many Dominion soldiers and settlers alike on planet Nexus, and Exile citizens who they perceived as at all sympathetic to the Dominion or its people.
Faction Opinion: Ziti firmly believes that the citizens of the Dominion are salvageable, but only through extreme "re-education" and breaking. The Chua being the exception which she believes just needs to be completely culled. She wants to see all Dominion presence wiped from the face of Nexus and views even the slightest behavior short of animosity towards its people as a clear sign of treachery to be punished.
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