Foxglove Wolfman



4 years, 11 months ago


NAME Foxglove Wolfman
AGE 16
RACE Mixed (Chinese/White)
GENDER Trans Woman
SONG Townie - Mitski


"I am not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be."

immature | abrasive | loyal


To many people, Foxglove is what would be considered a "difficult" child. She can oftentimes be rude and unnecessarily aggressive toward people, especially toward people she feels has wronged her or look down upon her. She can also be destructive with a vengeful streak and has little to no respect toward authority figures because of mistreatment in the past. Foxglove also struggles with feeling empathy toward other people, which makes her feel like a bad person and "broken" in some way.

At heart, Foxglove is also deeply loyal. Once you earn her trust, she becomes very attached and determined to maintain the friendship and bond between the two of you. She also has a lot of enthusiasm and excitement toward the feelings she likes, which she will openly show to the people she likes.


Foxglove was born to two scientists who fell in love while working on the same research project, Elijah and Kexin Wolfman. However, shortly after her mother Kexin gave birth to her, she had a heart attack and died. Elijah was deeply depressed after the death of his wife, but he still was determined to raise their daughter and make sure she grew up happy. However, Foxglove had a lot of behavioral issues growing up. Elijah struggled to understand her behavior, why she was such an "atypical" child, leading to her being diagnosed with dyslexia and autism at an early age. While not openly showing it, he slowly grew resentment for how "difficult" she was for him to handle.

As she grew up, Foxglove became more abrasive when she was continually mistreated by her teachers and peers in school, resenting herself for not being a normal child. She began to idolize her father, who she percieved as an outlier in a world that refused to accept and understand her. In her pre-teen years, she also began to realize another reason for discomfort with herself- she was transgender. Her father accepted her and was able to get her on hormones in her teens. To his dismay, Foxglove never connected to school and has no motivation to go to college in the future; her dream is to be a free spirit, traveling from town to town, and truly living for herself.

Despite her social isolation, Foxglove believed she was living a great life and was relatively happy. That is, until her father goes missing and she begans to discover what exactly he was hiding from her.


  • She named herself Foxglove after a Creepypasta OC she had as a child
  • Her greatest aspiration is to become a biker
  • She likes to use a bat because she played baseball as a kid