Sergei “John” Miloslavsky



4 years, 4 months ago


NAME Sergei "John" Miloslavsky
AGE 42
RACE White (Russian American)
SONG How Soon is Now? - The Smiths


"I am human and I need to be loved! "

selfish | manipulative | cynical


As a deeply cynical person, John purposefully acts like an insufferable and unpleasant man to be around toward most people. He is often offensive and rude just for the sake of pissing someone off. His cynicism is born from a sense of deep misery he has internalized from his poor childhood, genuinely believing people are inherently selfish and cruel and using it as an excuse for him to be an asshole and justifying any physical or mental harm he causes people.

However, when John wants something, he wants it with all his heart. It becomes an obsession to him, of which he will do anything to get something he genuinely wants. He wants to keep it all to himself, seeing manipulation as a necessary evil to getting what he wants. This is how he feels toward Harper.


Despite being born to his wealthy Russian parents, John's childhood was far from pleasant. His mother, Nikitia, "disappeared" under mysterious circumstances shortly after he was born, following a severe mental break. This meant he was left to be raised by his father, Dimitri. Dimitri despised children and only had John for the sake of his wife, which then caused him to blame John for the loss of his beloved wife to raise a child he never wanted. Dimitri was often phsyically and mentally abusive toward John his entire childhood and is the primary cause for his cynicism and misery in life. However, everything changed once he met Harper Pierce. .

Harper became John's first real friend and shared his entire childhood with them. John grew very attached to Harper over the years and considered them an exception to their hatred for most people. As kids, John did have selfish tendencies, but he was much more pleasant toward Harper than when they hit their college years. In college, John first grew aware that his feelings toward Harper were romantic rather than platonic, thus he became more determined to keep them to himself and control them. John justified his behavior as being out of love, but it was deeply manipulative. When Harper began to drift away from him, he didn't know what to do with himself and decided to try to live a "normal" life, marrying a woman from his childhood named Mika. Their marriage was miserable and loveless, leading a massive falling out with Harper at their own wedding. But he never got over Harper.

In the seven years after, John became even more socially abhorrent with Harper out of their life. Eventually Mika divorced him because she grew tired of his behavior and his unwillingness to change and his lack of maturity. John grew even more resentful of people and of his life, until it reached a breaking point and began his plot to take revenge.


  • John has not cut his hair significantly ever since high school
  • The reason he is called "John" is because he picked the most generic American name to piss off his dad and then it stuck
  • He got a dual Art History and Business degree in college