Patrick Watkins



4 years, 11 months ago



NamePatrick Watkins
Pat, Patty, Watkins, dog, doggo, rich man
Height185 cm
In this universe, the more magic power a person has, the more they are respected by others. Patrick is a magician lifetaker, the most powerful kind.

A magician lifetaker is a type of magician who can take life from a living person and give it to a dead person or an inanimate object. They have lots of eyes in order to see the remaining lifetime of their "victims" (for them to know if they are worth "killing" or not). Once a life is taken, it cannot be given back to the individual who it was taken from, a person can only accept a foreign life. When a life is given, there is a completely new personality created, it is not the same person anymore.

Patrick is an arrogant, selfish, manipulative, but fair, and confident giberian shepsky (siberian husky and german shepherd cross breed). Since he is a magician lifetaker, he is the most respected kind. Still, he is not as favoured as his father (
Nathaniel) and he does not like it. He wants to be the best after all.

He likes to make money, smoke, and mainly drink wine. He co-owns his father's homeless shelter while doing his own business—taking life from the people who will die soon and want to have their life re-used. That is why he is so rich.

When he was younger, his father lost his hand, thus cared more about himself than about his son. Soon after, his mother died and the gap between him and Nathaniel grew even wider. The two now do not have a close relationship, still they can work and spend time together sometimes. Not too often now, though—there is this sick fennec fox (
Zachary) who is taking Patrick's place in Nathaniel's heart.

Patrick does not trust anyone anymore. He was betrayed by so many people—especially by the closest ones—, thus does not want to make friends or any relationships what so ever. But Zachary's 
alter Figaro seems like he would like to save this miserable soul of his.

At the moment, Patrick tries his best to maintain a good relationship with both his father and Zachary. He is also good friends with AlanWalter, and a couple of others, but keeps these relationships mostly secret as he wants to trick people into thinking he is less powerful than he really is.

FatherBrother-friendSecret Best FriendFriend
- has a hard time forming long-lasting relationships (is scared of abandonment)
- likes spending time with Zachary (especially Figaro) and sex workers
- very confident and sneaky
- hates mentioning his weight
- was overweight in the past but managed to lose some weight (still has a bigger belly)
- likes swearing in front of his father to piss him off
- tries to get on well with his father despite their past
- loves touching
- hardly gets attached
- coffee/alcohol person
