


4 years, 8 months ago



A demon originally from Amosis. He lacks empathy and likes to do things his own way and rarely follows the instruction of others.  He tends to answer in short blunt responses or a simple "yes" or "no" when he doesn't wan to speak he usually groans in response.

He can commonly be found sleeping or napping at random locations or spots like a cat.


Eira was Born in Amosis to a pair of Demons. They were shape shifters of a sort. By nature their species is hunted by stronger demons as a food source. By chance they heard a family with a newborn was moving away to Sunuma to escape the war and perils of Amosis. When night fell they snuck into the parents house and replaced their infant with their own, helping their son take their childs form. They then left him there, and watched the boat leave in the morning hoping for a better future for their son.

The new host parents were completely unaware of the swap and never came to find out because Eira took on the appearance of their biological child. The Parents moved to Luz, Where they raised Eira as their own son. He never particularly excelled in school barely scraping by on C's or D's. He showed little interest in learning anything in school and would constantly sleep in class or any chance he'd get. The only interest Eira had was figuring out how things worked by taking it apart and putting it back together, This counted for animals at times too; though he never could put them back together.

After high school he graduated as a completely average student. He made a few friends, one that was a witch in hiding. They showed him how to make potions for certain situations and where to gather ingredients. He loved potion making and loved to find fresh ingredients.

From his days of making potions he still usually carries one or two around. The most common being a teal colored potion. It's unknown what it does, or if it's the same or different potion.

He eventually joined a small Organization where he served as an enforcer.


He can turn into his true form, which features see-through shadow like skin with multiple eyes. His tail is long and thin, working as a whip with a razor edge able to cut through flesh and bone with enough force.  His claws and feet secret a sticky substance at will that allows him to cling to walls and ceilings with ease.

Besides this, He's as strong as a normal human in his human appearance.


-He still hasn't put 2 and 2 together to know he was switched at birth.

- He can only survive off of meat, and prefers it raw. He can hunt his own food, and in dire situations he considers other humans or humanoids food.
- If he goes for too long without meat he goes more "feral" and cannot be reasoned with until he has regained his senses and his hunger is satiated.

- when in his demon form his is extremely sensitive to the heat and cold as his organs and vitals are all exposed. This passes onto his human form where he'll sweat when it's slightly too hot and his teeth with chatter and he will shake when it is cold. 

Eira Williams?