


4 years, 6 months ago



17 ✦ Female ✦ Normal



Paprika is a high energy Jinnu who is constantly on the move. She doesn't do well at sitting still for long periods of time, and she really only stops for sleep or food. Because of how active she is, she sometimes gets herself into trouble by not following rules or getting too excited over things that she maybe shouldn't be involved with. She doesn't have any bad intentions towards anyone; she just has a lot more energy than she can reasonably handle. Paprika absolutely loves the music tribe, and she'll come up with excuses to visit them or to be near members of that tribe during parties or any sort of performances. She likes to jump around as if she knows how to dance, but she's nowhere near the average skill level of an actual music tribe Jinnu. Although she can be very sassy, she's quite respectable to Queens and will typically follow direction given by Guards.

Her magical abilities are very average for a normal Jinnu in a magic tribe. She is able to produce small flames, but mostly uses her abilities to protect herself against various temperatures. She can withstand cold temperatures for a very long time, and can physically pass through flames without being injured by them. Because she's an exceptionally fast runner and flier, she is usually tasked with delivering messages or goods to and from the fire tribe, especially if speed is an issue. During the winter months, she's also one of several Jinnu who will travel to the other tribes to make sure that they are provided with plenty of heat to get through the cold weather. Paprika is specifically instructed to not visit the cooking tribe while running errands, as she loves to hang out there to "sample" things that are being made. She easily loses track of time when she's eating and having fun, so she requires monitoring whenever she does have to go to that tribe.

She someday wants to travel around as an assistant to a Jinnu from the medic tribe, working as a source of warmth for both the medic and patients. Most everyone knows that her attention span wouldn't allow her to work in such a meticulous field, but she doesn't see that as any reason to give up on the idea. (In all honesty, she would get very bored of it, very quickly.)



  • Action!!
  • Music
  • Food
  • Having things to do
  • Anything and everything fun
  • Waiting
  • Getting into trouble
  • Big animals
  • Book learning
  • Anything boring










profile html by Hukiolukio