


4 years, 7 months ago



Name Vala {Fume}
Orien. Lesbian
Age Adult
Pronouns She/ Her
Race Kitsune
Role Support/ Melee
Class Wiccan
Subclass Aether Focus
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
playlist wild magic

Vala is obnoxious on good days, she loves hearing herself talk. She loves debating things like morals and ethics even it is not her own views. Her main goal is to gain as much knowledge as she can and make it available for all to witness.


  • old libraries
  • debates
  • the smell of smoke
  • being right


  • thunderstorms
  • being ignored
  • quiet









Kitsunes are a rare species, they rarely show themselves to others in the fear of being hunted for their skins and magic. Those who interact with kitsunes rarely tell the tale of how they were tricked and robbed. Legends say that as kitsunes trick more people, the more powerful they become. And that their fur can give people magical abilities. But that is just human tales.

Kitsunes have created a way of life without the interference from other races. They create their own towns and cities hidden within forests and mountains and cloaked by magic. With their immense archives of knowledge, they are able to survive on their own, with a few trades from oblivious humans here and there. As a kitsune grows they will earn their tails through perseverance in the face of all odds and the collection of knowledge. Most kitsunes have a range of two to five tales, most rarely are able to earn their sixth or seventh. The rarest kitsunes are those who are able to earn all nine of them. They are revered and loved like kings. They become leaders of their groups and usually are able to recruit followers to their cause. And as nine tail kitsunes are rare, a child between two of them is even rarer….

Fume was born to Selene and Valen in a peaceful part of the forest. Though in love for a short time, Selene and Valen fell apart, splitting their followers and creating hatred among them. Selene, always in need of more power wished to raise their daughter to become the most powerful kitsune the world and its planes have ever known. Valen, however, scared of what might become of Fume if raised by Selene and the world if Fume were to follow her, took the child. A battle between the two factions erupted, and in the chaos, Valen was able to take Fume and hide her away in a city part of the continent by using the last of his energy. He collapsed with the babe in his arms, and before he could do anything, he faded to ash to regenerate in a few hours. When his form returned he found his child gone. A few miles away, a coven of Wiccans travels to the forest for their pilgrimage. In a young aarokorcran’s arms, a tiny babe that wails as the chill bites at her nose.

Vala, as Fume became known, grew up happily in her coven. She learned the ways of the Wise One and the search for knowledge. She was raised by the whole coven but a birdfolk named Kara became her guardian. When she became 10 she began her magical training and by 14 she was tested and earned her Wiccan marks. As someone always in search for knowledge, she chose her mark to center on her mind. Since then she has lived as a ranking member of the coven, living up to their traditions and morals.

One peaceful day in the forest, a hush settled over the area the coven had called their home for the last decade. Dark shadowy creatures attacked the camp, destroying their homes, research and endlessly knowledge they housed as followers of the Wise One. Vala ran to Kara who grabbed on to her and ran away from the settlement in a panic. In the rush, Kara left Vala in a little alcove in the snow covered forest. Kara ran back toward the settlement to help the other Wiccans escape. But hours past before Vala eventually stood up and cautiously walked back to the camp. There she found the buildings she called her home destroyed.

Separated from her coven, she now seeks to reunite with her family. As she traveled she encountered a few kitsune and had a strange feeling that they were watching her a bit too closely. Because of these encounters she was able to vaguely learn about the war being waged for her. She doesn’t quite understand why she is stuck in the middle of it but she hopes that if she disappears with the coven, they will stop their search.

After joingin up with the main party and becoming The Wise One's Chosen, she became a protector and researcher in a nearby city. As she worked she visited her friend Lyall, and before long they became close and evetually lead to them marrying. It took some time for Vala to break through to Lyall, seeing as the werewolf as a very one track mind. But she lives happily in the small werewolf village at the edge of the world, though she still continues to collect all the knowledge she can, expanding the small library the werewolves had had before.

Her Tails

  • First: Kitsunes are always born with their first tail
  • Second: Vala earned her second tail when she was eleven years old. During one of her training sessions, she was able to control her magic for the first time and create a blue flame in her hands.
  • Third: she earned her third tail when she passed her test and received her marks.
  • Fourth: When she was separated from the rest of her coven, she found shelter in an abandoned temple to give her cover from the storm raging outside. While there she restored the statues of the Temple and found comfort in her prayer to the Wise One in the hopes he will help her through this time. She earned her fourth tail as she finished her reconstruction.
  • Fifth: As she traveled she came across a village that she later took refuge in. That night they were attacked by shadowy creatures. As she fought them off and protected the villagers, she earned her fifth tail, which gave her the energy to continue fighting.
  • Sixth: After travelign with the party, Vala left to work with the Wise One, during their studies together she declared her willingness to do whatever it takes to save the world, resulting in her sixth tail.
  • Seventh: Vala recieved her seventh tail on her wedding night just as she spoke the last word of her vows.
  • Eighth: When she finally reconciled with her father and forgave him for losing her, she recieved her eighth tail.
  • Ninth: Vala earned her final tail as she expanded the library of the small werewolf village she had began to call home. She became a teacher as a way to spread the knowledge she gathers, when she taught her first class she recieved her final tail and marked her as one of the most powerful kitsunes in the world.


Selene and Valen [ mother and father ]

Vala has a complicated relationship with her parents. Because of her lineage she was one of the most powerful kitsunes in the world which made her desireable for both of her parents to control. Since she was hunted from a young age by them she had grown to hate them. But after her father killed her mother and swore to protect her, she eventually forgave him.


Lyall [ wife ]

Vala fell in love with Lyall almost immediately. It was very hard to start a romantic relationship with her but because of Vala's stubbornness it eventually came to be. Vala finds Lyall's optimism and moral upbring charming and depsite the debates she likes to start up with her, will relent in the end in favor for allowing her wife to win.


Brigit and Cern [ eldest children ]

Vala loves her two children greatly and raises them to find pride in their unusual lineage. She never really considered herself a princess but to bridge the gap with her father she raises them as royalty.

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