


4 years, 7 months ago



Name Orlando Aurelio De La Cruz
Called Orlando
Age 20 years
Gender Male
Race Dog (German Shepherd x Carolina Dog)
Role Little Boy (3 years) to Gio's Daddy Dom
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

A clever young lad, despite being pretty noticeably autistic, Orlando is a fun and quirky adventurous young man. He loves to meet new people and will go out of his way to engage complete strangers, let alone his friends and family. He's very needy and very fussy. He likes to sleep in, for example, not usually waking up until Noon. But then he has a tendency to stay up all night, working on his computer. He is a very competent tech expert- Gio, his guardian, wants to send the twenty year old to college for software engineering or something, anything to hone his hacking skills, which comes in handy on jobs. But outside of work, Orlando has a rough time being separated from Gio for too long, so for the moment at least, college is out of the question.


  • Computers and Technology
  • Programming (aka Hacking)
  • Piercings and Tattoos
  • Being the center of attention


  • Sharing
  • Mornings
  • Being Ignored
  • Losing his temper


Named for the city where he was found, Orlando was a literal dumpster baby. No one knows where his parents are or who they are or why they didn't want him but, for whatever reason, they had had a baby and then literally tossed him in the trash. He was only just barely rescued by Gio, who was in a tough spot at the time, a mere lackey in the Mafia he would eventually become a high figure for. But at the time, he was just dumping bodies into dumpsters and running out to get everyone's coffee and menial things like that, when he heard the child crying in the dumpster. Not really much of a parent, especially considering how young he was at the time, Gio just kind of left the baby at one of the Mafia safe houses, where pretty much everyone in the family took it upon themselves to raise him. It wasn't just Gio, there were a number of people in Orlando's life who contributed everything that they could. He was a cute baby so people were always taking him places, showing him off, teaching him things. They were quick to train him in Mafia work, such as holding/firing a gun, tools and techniques for dismembering bodies, how to cover your tracks and rid yourself of evidence, and that was just when he was a toddler.


Orlando was maybe six or seven years old by the time the family seemed to notice that he was not quite right in the head. As a baby, he was quiet and calm, perfectly comfortable with strangers, which was odd but nothing to worry about, if anything it was a good thing, he was easy to pacify and he slept through the night more often than not, no late night feedings or anything necessary. It wasn't until his childhood years that things became apparent. Though he was social and friendly, he was simultaneously weird about it, fearless despite his tendency to ask questions and repeat himself. It took a long time to teach him how to talk and he never seemed to make eye contact, sometimes it was difficult to get his undivided attention. This made him difficult to handle in his later years, as he grew bigger and stronger, he started showing problematic behavior. So Gio sort of took over custody of the boy, taking him to live with him and asking some doctors what they thought. He was diagnosed with autism ad ADHD.

Becoming a Little

Gio was not much of a parent at first, still climbing his way up the hierarchal ladder, he frequently left Orlando to his own devices, able to just plop him down in front of the tv and just leave him there. But Orlando was and still is, very social, so when left alone, he would grow anxious and paranoid, terribly worried about being abandoned again, he developed separation anxiety which made leaving him alone was a terrible idea. He'd hit and kick and scream and cry and no one could console him except for Gio. So Gio started bringing Orlando with him on jobs and, though the boy was much younger than him, by his teenage years, Orlando was a master at driving get away vehicles, he was smart enough to learn to hack systems that needed to be used, and he just ended up being super helpful. So Gio stuck around more diligently, trying to care for his autistic little boy. Only, at some point, Orlando was no longer "little", at least not literally. But he did have his moments where he'd forget how to adult. At the time, he worried that he was not smart enough or mature enough to make Gio happy, but it turned out that the older canine loved it when Orlando sort of lost his maturity for a hot minute so, in his teenage years, Orlando became Gio's "little". Originally, he was an older boy, maybe 12 when in his little space, but over time he began to regress and now plays at being about 3 years old when in his little head space.



Giovanni Russo [ Daddy Dom ]

Gio is just as it says on the tin- Orlando is his "little", his charge, his child in some ways. He takes care of Orlando for the most part the way that a normal parent would, except that sometimes he'd bring the young dog with him on jobs since he is so good with computers. So not only is the mafia hitman a deadly assassin but he is also a doting "Daddy" who makes sure to pencil in some quality time between work engagements. Often times, he'll bring Orlando along, many of the people in the family know of him and are good friends. They make good baby sitters when Gio is distracted by work. But usually, the two of them hang out at home, watching tv and eating junk food.


Shane Greensburg [ Older "Brother" ]

A relatively recent addition to the family, Orlando and Shane get along like oil and water when they are in their usual headspace. As twenty-somethings, they are rough and biting, both vying for Daddy's attention, desperate to figure out who is the favorite. But when they are in their little headspace, they get along swimmingly. Their favorite thing to do is watch Godzilla movies, they are both somewhat obsessed with kaijus and giant monsters, so they like to build cities out of blocks and then roar and stomp the city to pieces like in the movies.


Hideki Koldan [ Baby Sitter ]

Being the husband of one of the Mafia's higher ranking members, Orlando was always really comfortable around Hideki. Even though the boy is pretty young, he seemed to be an experienced baby sitter who could always tell when Orlando was in his Little headspace, which he played into whole heartedly. He loves playing with Orlando while Shane is more of an intellectual, so they read books and magazines together. Hideki loves the boys and has no problems watching them when Gio and Sev need to meet up for any reason.

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