Chant (Balance)



7 years, 8 months ago


            Caring ║ Determined ║ Short Tempered              

"Have no fear! Your Local Elder One of Good is here!"

Tiffany Chantilly, better known to the world as "Chant", is your casual supermagical free-range child dedicated to solving all of the problems in the world. All of them.

Chant, you see, has an unnatural dedication to improving the world as much as she can. She wants to bring an end to all the Bad things that plague the world, and bring about Good and peace to everyone. She's young, powerful, and determined to make it happen, to the point where she never spends a moment on herself if she can be helping someone.

This can be seen as kind of her downfall. She is very young, at least in the immediate sense, and her lack of wisdom is her biggest obstacle. She doesn't understand wrong-doing. She doesn't get why people do bad things, and believes thst if she just does enough good things, or if she beats down on unrepentent bad people enough with her powerful magic, she'll eventually squash it all away. She thinks that one day, with enough effort and effort alone, all the bad people will see the light and eventually redeem themselves. She can't understand the difference between good and evil any more deeply than that.

But she's still a pure-hearted hero, and otherwise a small and mostly happy little girl. She doesn't need to eat but loves her some sweets nonetheless. She likes uplifting music and soaring across the skies, and above all, nothing means more to her than the safety and welling of all people.

On the flipside, she's easily frustrated and will scream as she cries. Bad people confuse her, and if you confuse her enough, she starts tossing fire and lightning about in a tantrum. Though her innocence lends some charisma, she is still not great at talking down aggression, even if that is one of her desired traits. Overall, her youth prevents her from achieving her goals, and she is painfully aware of this.

But that doesn't mean that she's gonna stop trying.

「Name」Tiffany "Chant" Chantilly「Age」Teeeenish-twelviiiish(10~12)
「Alias」"Chantelle Lily"(Self-given), "Elder One of Good"(Title)「DoB」Spriiiingish.
「Species」Cat(??)「Theme」song link here
「Likes」♥ Kind and Good people
♥ Soda!!
♥ Her Hat
♥ Using Magic!
♥ Making others happy
♥ Flying freely
「Hates」♠ People who do Bad things for no reason
♠ Losing her hat
♠ Sleeping
♠ Being defeated
♠ Liquorice
♠ Waaaaaalkinggggg ughhhhh
「Height」Like two feet (Around 61cm), without hat.「Eye Color」Emerald Green
「Build」Young and small, no real stature to speak of.「Hair Color」A royal sort of Purple.
「Skin Tone」White, as in the actual colour, not the confusing, inaccurately-named skin tone.「Hair Style」Bangs sloppily cut, hair long and straight around the back.
「Features」Chant's ears are rather large, and most often sit flat at the sides of her head. She also has a very long tuft of purple fur on her chest, which is floofy enough to billow out of her dress and cover the bottom of her muzzle. This gives many the impression that she has a beard, which doesn't bother her.
「Style」Chant typically doesn't care about what she's wearing. As a general rule, there are more important things to do than worry about her wardrobe. Cadually, she'll wear nothing but her lackluster green long-sleeve dress, as well as her identically-coloured large, spirally hat. 
That said, when forced to show an interest in clothing, her style is rather tomboyish. Pants with pockets, shirts with long sleeves, and hats for her. Really, she's actually rather averse to dresses and skirts, with the sole exception being her usual dress. She is wholly uninterested in unnecessary accessories.
「Notes」- Her hat is capable of changing forms. Typically, if you see her wearing a different hat, you can assume it's the same one with new frills.
- She has no tail.
Core TraitsFavorites
「Disposition」Well-behaved, Caring.「Color」Green
「Behavior」Excitable, Rash, Innocuous「Flower」Sunflower
「Integrity」Honest, zealously.「Weather」Sunny Showers
「Boldness」Shameless and courageous, to the point of recklessness.「Season」Spring
「Flexibility」Easy going and open-minded, except to things that harm others, to which she is closed-off and incredibly stern.「Food」Ice Cream
「Sense of Humor」Silly and easy to get laughing, but with a surprisingly sharp wit for someone her age.「Drink」Soda
「Motivation」Chant's single-minded motivation is to flourish Goodness and quash Badness. Any other motivation is almost always temporary and auxillary, at best.
「Reputation」Many see her as an adorable and kind little girl, though few truely believe she can change the tides of Good vs. Evil in the world. She is considered an annoyance around darker circles, though again, few take her seriously.
「Conversation」She likes to talk about people more than anything. Asking how and why they do things, and trying to understand their point of view, even if she's not very good at it.
「Enjoyment」She enjoys making people happy or putting them in a better situation than they were in before her, which is fortunate because that's the only hobny she will indulge in. She also enjoys flying at high speeds through the sky, as well as little child things like spending time with friends and eating sweets, but these hobbies are only allowed as long as they're done in the pursuit of her primary goal. That is one of the reasons why she tends to absolutely down soda and other sweets when the opportunity presents itself.
「Quirks & Habits」Puffs out her cheeks when she's frustrated. Forgets to magically bind her hat to her head when unfocused. Flies lower to the ground when she's upset. Flaps her ears when excited!
 "Don't worry! One day, I'll make everyone happy!"

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